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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Letting Go Of Fear

By Centre Team on Tue, 18 Aug, 2020 - 18:20

Letting Go Of Fear

By Centre Team on Tue, 18 Aug, 2020 - 18:20

The Buddha was said to be completely fearless. What does that mean for us?

We all experience fear at times. And fear has its uses! It can spur us into action and help us avoid danger. But fear can also imprison us and paralyze us. It can stop us from leading the life we want. 

It’s a scary world sometimes. So how can we become fearless ourselves?

This is a beautiful animated film by Aryajit about how to face our fears and...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

Going for Refuge in a Time of Fear - New Talk from Padmavajra

By Prajnahridaya on Thu, 19 Mar, 2020 - 16:10

Going for Refuge in a Time of Fear - New Talk from Padmavajra

By Prajnahridaya on Thu, 19 Mar, 2020 - 16:10

Padmavajra gives a talk on how to Go for Refuge in times of adversity and fear.

Given the situation of the world today, with threat of sickness and great uncertainty, how do we practise as Buddhists? How do we continue to deepen our practice of loving kindness, of awareness? What is the real response to the situation we find ourselves in today?

The talk was recorded on the 18th March 2020 in the Padmaloka Shrine Room, with an audience of the Padmaloka community.

Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Amoghasiddhi - how to be really successful...

By bodhinaga on Sun, 19 Aug, 2012 - 22:57

Amoghasiddhi - how to be really successful...

By bodhinaga on Sun, 19 Aug, 2012 - 22:57Bodhinaga explores some of the symbolism of Amoghasiddhi, including fearlessness, integration and the wisdom of unstoppable success, drawing on a wide range of sources (from the Buddha and Angulimala to The Lord of the Rings and The Matrix). Talk given at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre 24th July 2012.