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North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Life is happening, be there! Meditation and podcast talk.

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 15:20

Life is happening, be there! Meditation and podcast talk.

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 9 Jul, 2020 - 15:20

This Saturday, 11 July online with the North London Buddhist Centre.

10:30 Meditation.
11:30 Live Budcast Talk with Vajramitra on perfect mindfulness, suitable for all levels:  ”Mindfulness seems to be mentioned everywhere, both in the Buddha’s teaching and in the secular world we live in today. Although central to who we are, being aware and fully participating in our life often might seem like a distant ideal. How do we fully engage in each moment of our life? What is Buddhist Mindfulness...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

Imagine a Buddha…

By Ratnaprabha on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 09:54

Imagine a Buddha…

By Ratnaprabha on Fri, 17 Apr, 2020 - 09:54

Weekly North London Slideshows by Ratnaprabha on images and symbols in Buddhism

11:30 am on Saturdays (except 9 May, see below) after the 10:30 meditation.
Zoom login each week except 10 May is here

Sat 18 April    The Endless Knot: Buddhist Symbols
Sat 25 April    Taming The Bull: a Zen path
Sat 2 May    Meeting the Buddhas
(Sat 9 May    Kusala Talk on Right Livelihood)
Sunday 10 May    (Buddha...

North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre

The ecology of the heart talk on Saturday morning

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 2 Apr, 2020 - 11:38

The ecology of the heart talk on Saturday morning

By Ratnaprabha on Thu, 2 Apr, 2020 - 11:38

Saturday 4 April 11:30

Budcast talk with Singhashri on The Noble Eightfold Path, number 4, Perfect Action. 

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/362056610
Meeting ID: 362 056 610

Most people would agree that it’s wise to take a non-violent approach to life. How can we fully live from a place deeply rooted in this core Buddhist principle? We do so by gently turning towards, listening deeply and engaging whole-heartedly with our own diverse inner landscape, including ...