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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Nucleus Of A New Society - Revisited

By Centre Team on Fri, 19 Aug, 2016 - 21:53

The Nucleus Of A New Society - Revisited

By Centre Team on Fri, 19 Aug, 2016 - 21:53

Revisiting Sangharakshita’s classic talk from the 1970s, four members of the Triratna Buddhist Order offer bold, challenging, perspectives of what it could be to engage anew with his radical vision of a new kind of society. Through the twin lenses of diversity and climate change, we hear questioning voices and affirming notions of community-based and personal Dharma practice in a suffering world. The invitation to examine our own perspectives and biases is both essential and potentially liberating, opening up...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Meeting the Needs of the World - A Summary (Con algunas partes en español)

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 23:43

Day 2 of the 2016 Triratna International Council - a strong one, looking at the deep challenges for contemporary Buddhists who want to meet the needs of a suffering world head on.

Karmavajra from India, Parami from Scotland, and Viriyakirti from Mexico join Dassini and Candradasa to recap an absorbing, stimulating day. Climate change, diversity and racial bias, the Dharma as an effective antidote to suffering in India, and Buddhist recovery are amongst the topics of the day....

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Meeting The Needs Of The World - Bright Spots

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 20:15

Meeting The Needs Of The World - Bright Spots

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 20:15

Following the earlier set of talks about different areas of challenge for contemporary Buddhists in the modern world - at times sobering as we heard evoked strongly the huge needs involved - we get to hear some tales of ordinary communities of practitioners who are doing something creative in response.

Jnanadhara evokes a wonderful climate march in Dublin; Viveka reports on the San Francisco sangha looking together at racial bias; Vajrajyoti describes how a Buddhist recovery movement took...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Meeting The Needs Of The World

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Aug, 2016 - 23:39

Meeting The Needs Of The World

By Candradasa on Wed, 3 Aug, 2016 - 23:39

A strong set of short talks as befits the title to start us off on day two of the 2016 Triratna International Council. 

Parami introduces Akuppa challenging us to examine our responses to the possible realities of climate change; Viveka, asking us with great feeling to be curious about the possibilities for diversity amid the realities of deep-seated conditioning around racial bias; and Yashosagar inviting us to embrace the Buddha’s vision of the Dhamma as an adequate response to...

Vajra Bell
Vajra Bell

Vajra Bell - Autumn 2013

Vajra Bell - Autumn 2013

By Rijupatha on Mon, 7 Oct, 2013 - 21:58In this issue of the Vajra Bell Newsletter:

“What Does Going for Refuge Mean to You?” – Vajra Bell asks sangha members to discuss their relationship with the Three Jewels

“Sadhana Practice in the Triratna Order” – by Kavyadrishti

Updates from North American Triratna Buddhist Centers

Upcoming Retreats and Classes at Aryaloka and beyond

“The Light of the Buddha Behind Bars” – Report from the Concord Prison Sangha by...
