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Tag: direct experience

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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Kasyapa and the Flower

By Centre Team on Sat, 9 Mar, 2024 - 11:00

In a striking and inspiring talk, Paramananda tells the life story of the Buddha’s disciple Kasyapa: the Buddha uniquely said that Kasyapa would have gained enlightenment even without his help. The crescendo is a mysterious transmission when the Buddha held up a lotus and Kasyapa smiled, regarded by Zen Buddhists as the start of their lineage. Paramananda discusses what ‘transmission’ could mean for us. This talk was given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: A Weak Spot in Reality

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 18 Nov, 2021 - 06:00

Maitreyabandhu reminds us that the Buddha was cautious to describe things that were best directly experienced. The Lakshanas are not a metaphysical description of reality. Impermanence, insubstantiality and suffering show us there is something wrong with our perception.

From the talk Self-Surrender and the Laksana of Dukkha, part of the series Towards Insight: Three Myths given at Adhisthana, 2020.


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Dharmabyte: Two Temperaments

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 23 Sep, 2021 - 06:00

Vishvapani outlines two approaches to Dharma practice: the ‘hedgehog’ – grounded in direct experience from the senses, and the ‘fox’ who steps outside and beyond, looking for the bigger picture.

From the talk entitled Feeding the Soul, part of the series The Two Arrows: Dukkha to Insight given at Adhisthana, 2020.


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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Power of Initiation

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 28 Aug, 2021 - 06:00

Here Jnanavaca discusses how Tantric Buddhism is concerned with the direct experience of who we are and what we can become. Its aim is to help us realize our potential by transforming the energy locked in by old habits, fears, and views.

Talk given at London Buddhist Centre, 2020.

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Dharmabyte: Vision and View

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 14 May, 2018 - 12:58

This Dharmabyte podcast, ‘Vision’ and ‘View’, is an excerpt from A Vision of Human Existence given by Sangharakshita in 1976.

In Sanskrit or Pali, there’s no word that corresponds with the word ‘philosophy.’ There is one word that is sometimes translated as philosophy, the word darshana, which means ‘to see, a sight, a view, a vision.’

Dharsana represents direct experience, not something mediated by concepts. In Buddhism, the term is ‘drsti’ - which means a sight,...