It's been a lot of work to get this far and we hope you'll enjoy exploring and helping us build the online community, starting this weekend with the first online version of the Triratna International Retreat! Many thanks to the teams at Dharmachakra and Triratna Development for all their hard work in realising the dream of articulating what's great about our community and our context in a new way. We hope the experience of the whole Triratna Buddhist Community will help introduce new generations to the Dharma and inspire them to practice and to the follow the radical vision of the Buddha in their own lives. We can't wait to see what you'll do with the space...
Our social network is brand new and will be in development for the foreseeable future. We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback any time (that's what beta is about). Read our new Community Guidelines section, including, of course, our Privacy Policy.