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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: What is a Committed Buddhist?

By Centre Team on Thu, 25 Feb, 2016 - 11:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte speaks here on the challenge of building a Buddhist movement. In “What is a Committed Buddhist?” he discusses the need for Buddhist movements to be run only by committed Buddhists and who actually practice the Buddha’s teachings, not by those who merely have an intellectual interest. But how can one know who is a committed Buddhist?

From the talk “Commitment and Spiritual Community”, part of a series entitled ...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Concluding Thoughts At The End Of The ECA

By Centre Team on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 18:02

A great summary of a very full week’s work and Dharma practice from Mokshini and Dassini as the great winter gathering of European Triratna Buddhists comes to an end.

As well as the overview we also hear about a special and moving ritual for one member of the assembly choosing to go deeper with the practice of simplicity and contentment in her life… A beautiful way to mark the close of a deepening kind of meeting! 

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

ECA Winter 2016 - Podcast No.4: Ratnaghosha On 'One Sangha'

By Mokshini on Mon, 11 Jan, 2016 - 17:45

An exciting idea from the Triratna European Chairs meeting at Adhisthana. Mokshini talking to Ratnaghosha, the Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the theme of how best to celebrate our world-wide Triratna sangha. This would be both to promote unity across our sanghas as well help give those attending local Centres a sense of the internationality of our Movement which might not be obvious for those coming along. 

In fact, over the course of the next 18 months there...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Goodbye From Mexico (Adios de México)

By Candradasa on Sun, 1 Nov, 2015 - 20:36

This is our final podcast from the 2015 Pan-American Convention here at Chintamani Retreat Centre in Mexico. We hear from Amala, Jnanadakini, Lokeshvara, Paramachitta, and Shantinayaka - 4 of whom are Order Conveners for the Triratna Buddhist Order - about how they they think it’s gone and the highlights they’ll be carrying back home.

Con traducción en Español.

Listen out for more Buddhist Voices, mantras, and inetrviews from the wider Triratna community in Mexico, coming soon in this space, and on Soundcloud...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 6 - Maitripala on Women's Ordination and Her Australian Pilgrimage

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 15:53

Parami again from “Oceania”! She’s in conversation here with her friend Maitripala who has been living in Europe for a year but is now back home and engaging with women seeking ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Great to hear the inspiration - old and new - come through as a new generation of women grapples with the challenges and joys of Buddhist practice and of community.

And as a bonus we hear a preview of her ‘Buddhas in My Pocket Pilgrimage’,...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 4 - Tejopala and Akasamati on Climate Change and Triratna

By parami on Fri, 23 Oct, 2015 - 01:12

Parami is back, reporting from  Australasia - or is it Oceania? - talking with two friends who have spent much of their adult lives reflecting on - and acting upon - climate change as an integral aspect of their Buddhist practice. A fascinating, sometimes sobering, but realistically positive conversation about what environmental issues have to do with the Dharma - and what we can do to get involved…

Topics covered include ‘transition towns’; Al Gore’s initiative; thinking about our kids; how to...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Individual and Community

By Rijupatha on Sat, 5 Sep, 2015 - 11:00

In this week’s FBA Podcast“The Individual and Community” Dhammarati explores the central importance the Triratna Buddhist Order places on communication and connection as a means of personal transformation and the basis from which we influence the world. This gives us the significance of the Triranta Buddhist Order as a community of individuals trying to change themselves and have a positive impact on society making them a nucleus of a new society.

Talk given at the Dharmapala College...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Parami's Perspectives No.2 - Shifting Paradigms

By parami on Fri, 19 Jun, 2015 - 15:09

Parami interviews Dhammadinna and Khemasuri at the end of a retreat at Adhisthana looking at how Buddhists can help promote change in the wider world.

Based on the Dasadhamma Sutta (Discourse on The Ten Dhammas) this investigation of the unconscious paradigms we live by raises much to ponder for anyone who would like to see a kinder, more just and equitable society. 

Subscribe to our podcast

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The London Buddhist - No. 3, Community Of The Spirit

The London Buddhist - No. 3, Community Of The Spirit

By Centre Team on Mon, 30 Mar, 2015 - 17:45

The London Buddhist Centre has a new summer program and a beautiful set of articles looking at the community of the heart and spirit…

“The bonds that exist between us are an inherent part of who we are, how we live and what we do. Nevertheless, the games of separation that we play, through force of habit, produce aversion and conflict, polarization and difference in our lives and the world. Individually and globally this is a cause...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Six Guides to Insight and a Touch of Magic

By Rijupatha on Thu, 2 Oct, 2014 - 16:20
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Danapriya brings us our FBA Dharmabyte today, “Six Guides to Insight and a Touch of Magic.” The fourth and last (short) talk in a panel called “Spreading the Dharma as a Path to Insight”, given at the European Combined Order Convention held at Wymondham College on 23 August 2014.

The theme of the convention was “The...
