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In May we welcomed 80 retreatants for our second ever People of Colour retreat and had the largest Philosophy Symposium yet, on Liberty, Nietzsche and Buddhism. We also had our yearly Blake retreat drawing on our retreatants’ wilder sides, and were delighted to host the York/Scarborough and Manchester sanghas. Towards the end of the month, we also had the honour of hosting the funeral for Srisambhava, with 90 guests paying their respects in the Main Shrine room.
25 years ago, on Sangha Day, November 1995, the Amsterdam Buddhist Centre officially opened its doors - the first long-term Triratna centre in the Lowlands.
Dariusz from Amsterdam writes: “To commemorate this, this small video was produced and distributed, together with the history timeline, as below, to the Triratna centres around the world.
At the moment, due to the Covid-19 combat policy of the Centre’s council, Amsterdam Buddhist Centre is not open for the...
November 2020 marks Taraloka’s 35th birthday! Will you be joining us to celebrate?
You’re invited to a special *online* celebration, marking 35 years of Tara’s realm on Sunday 15 November via Zoom (7.15pm for a 7.30pm start, until 9.15pm).
To celebrate Dharma Day this year, Padmaloka will be offering a full online festival programme including live streamed meditations and rituals from the Shrine Room, and a live talk and Q&A by Padmavajra. His talk will explore the story of the turning of the wheel of the Dharma and, in...
As a special treat for you as we countdown to #buddhaday we are releasing a series of dharma reflections and evocations of the Buddha over the week…⠀
For our Triratna international Buddha Day celebration, on the occasion of the full Moon day itself, Padmavajra introduces us to the story of the Buddha and the Naga King, Mucalinda. With characteristic resonant depth, Padmavajra evokes the meaning and significance of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, and his subsequent encounter with Mucalinda.
As a special treat for you all this week as we countdown to #buddhaday we will be releasing a series of dharma reflections each day…⠀
Ratnavyuha and Dhiramuni, two friends from Auckland, New Zealand, share their inspiration from some verses in praise of the Buddha, contained within the first chapter of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa. They offer an audio recording of the verses, and a practice suggestion for a reflective writing exercise for you to engage with.
On the 9th of May you are invited to join us in a celebration of Buddha Day - the festival of the Buddha’s enlightenment.
There will be a global wave of dharma practice and inspiration, from New Zealand to the Americas, so that as many people as possible can join in over nearly 24 hours.
It features meditations, talks, Q&A and pujas, led by members of the College of Public Preceptors and friends from all around the world.
The team at Tiratanaloka invites you to celebrate our 25th anniversary with us on Sunday 29th September 2019, from 10.30 am to 5pm, at Tiratanaloka retreat centre in the heart of the Brecon Beacons, South Wales. The programme for the day will include a keynote talk on “The Significance of Ordination” from Ratnadharini, several mini-talks by Dharmacarinis on what Tiratanaloka means to them, a collective ritual, a light vegan lunch, a variety of vegan cakes, and activities for children. ...