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Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Day 1: Sevenfold Puja (With Readings)

By Centre Team on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 11:02
A full puja with some great readings to close the first full day of the retreat. Complete with Ratnavandana’s introduction to ritual as an important element of sitting with the archetypal Buddhas, and a short guided meditation.

View all posts from ‘Living In The Mandala’
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Day 1: Guided Meditation - Just Sitting In the Mandala (With Akshobhya Mantra)

By Centre Team on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 15:44
Ratnavandana lead us through a meditation where we just try to be present with our experience in the context of the mandala of the Five archetypal Buddhas. With an introduction and the mantra of Akshobhya, the blue Buddha of the east…

View all posts from ‘Living In The Mandala’
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

The Mandala of the Brahma Viharas

The Mandala of the Brahma Viharas

By Centre Team on Sat, 14 Mar, 2015 - 22:27Just as a map is a very useful thing to help know where you are, and how to get to where you want to go, so too is the mandala of the Brahma Viharas. It can do the same thing on an internal level. Firstly you need to know where you are, which means you need to be awake to your present experience to know that, and then you can see where it fits in the Mandala. So firstly, once...
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Dedication Ritual - Rainy Season Retreat 2015: Living In The Mandala

By Centre Team on Sat, 14 Mar, 2015 - 12:58
The opening ritual to dedicate the Rainy Season Retreat included meditation, readings (from Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche and Nyanaponika Thera) and chanting to invoke the mandala of the five archetypal Buddhas and the qualities of kindness, compassion, gladness, and equanimity.

Led by Dharmacharini Ratnavandana

Five Buddha Mandala readings included in this recording

View all posts from ‘Living In The Mandala’
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Some Ways To 'Live In the Mandala' by Ratnavandana

Some Ways To 'Live In the Mandala' by Ratnavandana

By Centre Team on Fri, 13 Mar, 2015 - 21:13

As part of her preparatory notes for the Spring urban retreat on the theme of ‘Living In The Mandala’ and the Brahma Viharas, Ratnavandana has prepared this great set of reflections on ways to stay connected when you’re doing an ‘urban retreat’ of this sort (whether online or at a Buddhist Centre!).

To download, read the document in full screen mode and choose ‘download’ from the sharing options (top left of the navigation panel).

