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Buddhist Action
Buddhist Action

Your liberation is bound up with mine

By dhsaraha on Sat, 13 Jun, 2020 - 01:45

Racism, the legacy of slavery, seems even more relevant now. I gave this talk in Birmingham a few months ago, I offer it here.

Activism, slavery, the Bodhisattva vow and utopia.

Diversity, freedom, the Buddha. Successful responses to capitalism and other forms of suffering and injustice. What power do we have in relation to those ‘in power’?

Welcoming rage and passion along with peace, love, bliss and agency into our Sangha is the path to liberation. Bring suffering close to the heart and respond creatively...

Padmaloka Retreat Centre
Padmaloka Retreat Centre

A Feast of Happiness for the Caravan of Famished Beings - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 3

By Satyakirti on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:52

A Feast of Happiness for the Caravan of Famished Beings - Bodhicaryavatara Chapter 3

By Satyakirti on Thu, 16 Apr, 2020 - 14:52

“For the caravan of famished beings wandering the road of existence, hungry for the enjoyment of happiness, this is a feast of happiness offered as refreshment to all who come”.

In his third talk on the Bodhicaryavatara, Padmavajra explores themes from the third chapter, ‘The Full Acceptance of the Bodhicitta’, in which Shantideva describes the wonder of the arising of the Bodhicitta, the profound selflessness of the Bodhisattva Vow and the pride of being born as a Buddha son. The talk was...