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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Mindfulness of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 9 Dec, 2021 - 06:00

Using metaphors from the Bodhicaryavatara, Bodhinaga draws out how mindfulness can transform our lives, both as a defence against negative, reactive patterns and in actively developing the heart and mind of a Bodhisattva, ‘one who cares more for others than they care for themselves’. 

From the talk entitled Staying in Touch, part of the series The Path of Awakening, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Buddha with a Thousand Faces

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 6 Mar, 2021 - 06:00

Imagine being with the Buddha, imagine the emotional effect of being that close to the Buddha. Bodhinaga draws out stories from the life of the Buddha that point to the importance of imagination as we engage with our aspiration for Enlightenment.

This talk is part of the series entitled Faces of Enlightenment given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Hey You!

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 8 Aug, 2020 - 14:00

Virya is the energetic counterpart to the patience of Ksanti; it is energy in pursuit of the good. Bodhinaga  tells us how we can develop this noble vigour, which brings strength and courage like that of a virtuous knight. He guides us through counteracting the four ‘enemies of virya’ before introducing the Four Powers: ethical sources of energy to power the Dharma life.

Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.

This talk is part...

Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

The System of Practice in the Triranta Buddhist Community

By bodhinaga on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:50

The System of Practice in the Triranta Buddhist Community

By bodhinaga on Thu, 20 Sep, 2012 - 09:50A talk by Bodhinaga at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, laying out the 5fold System of Spiritual Practice in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Given as part of a series of talks on the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order on 28th August 2012.
Sheffield Buddhist Centre
Sheffield Buddhist Centre

Padmasambhava & the System of Practice by Bodhinaga 5 May 2012

By bodhinaga on Tue, 3 Jul, 2012 - 14:24

Padmasambhava & the System of Practice by Bodhinaga 5 May 2012

By bodhinaga on Tue, 3 Jul, 2012 - 14:24Bodhinaga introduces the figure of Padmasambhava and tells the story of how he subdued the demons of Samye Ling to establish the Dharma in Tibet. What might be some of our own demons? What would Padmasambhava have to tame if we invited him to the modern west? Includes Bodhinaga’s imaginary exchange between Padmasambhava and our own Prime Minister.