Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre
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Fund-raising for Suryavana 
Building a Buddha-field in Spain

Hi all. I was meditating this morning and perhaps as a consequence of a conversation yesterday with a friend back in the UK it occurred to me to send out this message. 

Suryavana Retreat Centre was heroically purchased by the Valencia Buddhist Centre back in 2016. We are approaching our 10th year and are now an independent project and running as best we can with myself and my partner onsite, managing and maintaining the retreat centre and programme. With help of many others to lead retreats. Yashomani is the Treasurer. 

Suryavana serves as a retreat centre for the Spanish Sangha and the Order in Spain and it serves as a venue for some international events. We also offer the facilities to non-Triratna group to help cover our costs. 

The Masia (country house) and 14 hectares of lands were bought almost entirely with loans. 

Is anyone willing to donate large or smaller amounts to help clear out the loans? We owe £75k (sterling) to the Windhorse Trust and about 90k euros to our bank. We are laboriously returning the loans month by month and we can say the project is going well. 

It would be really helpful to return the Windhorse Trust loan sooner rather than later and we know that this money would be then invested in other Triratna projects. Is there anyone out there who wants to do this? Contact me. Sudaka

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Homage to the Taiguer
Our beloved roaring tiger

Sunday fun at Suryavana. For all you diesel heads out there. Ok it’s not a 1.6 litre turbocharged V6 whining and spinning at 15 000 rpm. It is has been backing up our batteries on the darkest of days here in the Wild West of Castellon at 1500 rpm. Homage to the Taiguer! Made in China in 2009 and received at the Masia in 2010 with spare parts on AliExpress!

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Hi all. Here’s some recent reflections on Life at Suryavana 

Suryavana blog 29th October 2024

thanks for your time. 

love Sudaka

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- Una Carta del Director Reflexiones (y sentimientos) tras 5 años dedicados a cuidar el Centro de Retiros Suryavana

Hola todxs 

Suryavana blog 29 octubre 2024

Si tenéis tiempo aquí comparto unas reflexiones del momento sobre Suryavana y nuestros desafíos y alegrías. saludos



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Support Suryavana
Campaign to raise monthly donations for Suryavana

Hello, we bought Masia Novales in 2016. It has been an act of courage and love from many in our community and we continue to build a Buddhist Temple here in Castellón with the help of many people.
I have been leading the project since 2022 and we started living here in 2020 when we moved here with my family during the Covid Pandemic.

We continue to organize events for our Buddhist community every month, with friends and guests. The main objective is to create a space for anyone to connect with themselves, heal and grow spiritually following Buddhist principles and ethics. We have a rich and varied programme of activities. We welcome people in all seasons of the year and their lives: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring!
Little by little we are evolving spirituall, and little by little we are improving and renovating the facilities.

We want to launch a campaign this month to encourage you to give money every month to help maintain and cultivate the project. Like any human activity, it requires economic resources and energy. We have fixed costs each month and we want to cover a part of these expenses to ensure more security and firmness in our movement forward.

Our goal is to reach 1500€ in donations (35% of the total of 4203€)

At the moment we receive 422.93€ each month. Thank you to the donors!

How much could I give?

There are people who give 25€ a month and people who give more than 100€ a month. Give what you can, all kindly received.

Monthly expenses 

  • BBVA Bank mortgage (until 2032) 1200€
  • Windhorse Trading loan 500€
    Private loan (until April 2026) 250€
  • Water 150€
  • Propane gas for heating and cooking 316€
  • Internet 49€
  • Accounting 124€
  • Property and rubbish tax 108€
  • Maintenance and car* 600€
  • Cleaning and laundry 220€
  • Sudaka (management/maintenance) 686€

    Total 4203€

*approximate amount 

I want to give!
Contact Sudaka at
+34 638 317 138

all the best love Sudaka 

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Passionate about Yoga & want to deepen your practice?

​Become a qualified yoga teacher with Bodhiyoga & share your love of the practice with others
3 steps to train with us @Bodhiyoga International:

1. Join our weekly Online classes
2. Attend our 5 day Online Foundation (17-21 July 2024)
3. Come to our 15 day Residential course in Spain (30 September-14 October 2024)

We hace  re-formatted our training and offering it all for the original price we launched at in 2012.

Thanks to the “digital transition” and special thanks to student feedback we now offer part of the training Online.

The new format follows a simple 3 Step format.  

Step OneAttend our weekly yoga sessions (or do the recordings) from our “Bodhiyoga weekly” class on Wednesdays 6.00-7.15pm Uk time. £25 per month. For 6-12 months. (55 hours).

Step Two.  Attend the 5 Day Foundation course Online. Here we would incorporate the Satipatthana material and some yoga anatomy and theoretical and practical sessions. (25 hours) 17th- 21st July 2024

Step Three. Come to Spain for the 15 days Residencial training (160 hours). All Accommodation and food included. 30th September-14th October

With some guided home work and assignments for the 300 hour Certification

All at the original Cost of £1950

This is the price that we launched at in 2012 with our first training!  The course now having been through a process of careful distillation and refinement over the 12 years since its inception. A great offer. Let us know now if you want to join for 2024.

Contact Sadhita or Sudaka

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Bodhiyoga teacher training.
New format and new price. Online and in Suryavana, Spain

We want to “re-launch” Bodhiyoga this Spring with a brand new website (a shiney new Wordpress website), a re-format in the modular training and importantly a new price for the training.

We now offer the training at a new price of £1950. The price that we launched at in 2012 with our first training with Nancy, Kate, Suryadharshini and Tina!  

This may seem crazy but we are concerned that money is an issue for people. And it seems even more crazy, as the course is the best it has ever been having been through a process of careful distillation and refinement over the 12 years since its inception. 

The new format will be the follows. 

Module 1. Attending the weekly yoga sessions (or doing the recordings) from our “Bodhiyoga weekly” class on Wednesdays 6.00-7.15pm Uk time. £25 per month. For 12 months. (55 hours)

Module 2. Attending the Six week Online meditation course (or doing the recordings) (9 hours)

Module 3.  Attending the 5 Day Foundation course Online. Here we would incorporate the Satipatthana material we share on the 3 day workshops) (25 hours)

Module 4 Come to Spain for the 15 days Residencial training (160 hours). All Acommodation and food included. 

Module 5. Do the homework Assignments (minimum 60 hours)

Total 309 hours (for the 300 hour Certification)

Cost £1950

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Yoga Retreats in English from Bodhiyoga at Suryavana
£200 reduction in original pricing

Hi all. With the idea of helping off-setting travel costs we are now offering our retreats with a £200 discount on the original pricing. Please let interested parties know.

email Sadhita or Sudaka at

Special offer 

on our yoga retreats in Suryavana

25-31 May 2024

1-7 July 2024

Open to all levels of experience

£450 shared room
£650 single 

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Bodhiyoga retreats and 15 days teacher training in Suryavana.
A brief overview of the Bodhiyiga programme

Thanks to funding from Jesu Maraz. Filming and editing by Monica at Visually Story

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New video for Suryavana 2024 (narration in Spanish)
Our Buddhist Temple in Castellon

Vídeo donado por Jesu Maraz editado por Mónica de Visually Story

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Directors Report Suryavana 2023
After four years living in Suryavana

Dear all

I would like to thank you for your continued support of Suryavana.

In September 2021, I took the responsibility of becoming "Director", "President" of the association, Suryavana. The new "Triratna Buddhist Community, Xèrica Retreat Centre."

In September 2020, a year earlier, with my family, we moved to Suryavana. mostnof the time we live on-site and we are in our fourth winter. I could tell of many stories and experiences over these four years, the story of the first Winter, of the snow-storm “Filomena”, when the gas ran out and for two months the whole family slept in the living room, the Hergom fireplace lit 24 hours. The story of the second Winter, without electricity, because the old batteries failed and because of the crisis in the production of things as a result of the Pandemic, the new batteries arrived 5 months late. The forest goblins cast their spell,and as if by magic when the Sun went down, the solar panels ceased to produce electricity and an absolute silence descended over the Centre. No electricity, no water pump, no Internet. No nothing. The third winter brought some relief with the arrival of Isra García and the Vegan-crudivores. I could tell you about the arrival of the chickens, “liberated” from their lives normally cut off at 40 days. Now happy chickens in their county-abode. I could tell you about the birth of our dog Sonic during the Great Summer Fire 2022 which almost transformed the entire area into black carbon and ash. We literally lived for a few days in the middle of a Cremation Ground. And many more things. But maybe something to tell you in person.

We can say that we have done a study or contemplation after four years living with the project, from within the project. An intimate reflection. The ups and downs. Clearly, my internal states have been affected. My mental states. How could they not be?! On a mythic level I am working a dream of living in a Buddhist Temple. When I returned to the UK from Thailand after several meditation retreats in the Thai Wats in 1995 I told my good friend Narapriya, that I wanted to sleep in the Buddhist Centre of Newcastle Upon Tyne. 25 years later there was an opportunity to do it. 

Suryavana is not an easy project to manage. It is a new project with limited economic and human resources. Like many Triratna projects or many "Start-up" projects, it’s pioneering. It requires a lot of dedication, love and patience. In 2016, the Valencia Buddhist Centre bought the Masia with almost no capital, which is a marvel in itself. The infrastructure and facilities are already old (15 years old is old for a boiler and central heating system) and in some cases obsolete, 20th century technologies. They all require a lot of love and attention to keep them running. Our support generator, the Taigüer, is a good example, a diesel generator, the “beast”, the size of a truck engine, from China  2010. I am convinced it has 40 more years of service though.

Suryavana is the first Triratna Retreat Centre aimed at the local population, that is, the Spanish in Spain. We have other retreat centres here such as Guyhaloka and Akashavana but they are more focused on the Internationally and the Ordination process. In every sense Suryavana is a pioneering project with all the challenges that go with that. Sometimes I have the feeling (at least in my imagination) that we are "entering into a relationship" (in a mostly friendly way) with the gods and goddesses of the place to win our right to be here. Interestingly, our dear neighbour Ángel told me that the farmhouse has already had several owners since its construction in 1900. Almost every ten years people leave her. “Why?” I asked and he told me that it is a hard land to cultivate, not very productive (olives and almonds). In fact, this year, thanks to the drought, there is very little of our own olive oil.

Well, our vision is something different, a Dharma Centre, a Buddhist Temple in the Wild West of Castellón. What I hope, will be decades, centuries even. Forever. For eternity. Let's see if it works out that way.

The last four years

In September 2020, the Pandemic was in full development, we moved to the house. We spent several Lock-downs there. During this time we simply accumulated more debts. We cancelled many events but the expenses, the mortgages, continued. The bank didn't even answer our calls. Too busy. I guess.  All very disagreeable!

We took advantage of the break in receiving groups to re-build the Wooden Cabin for solitary retreats (or countryside “escapes”) now in high demand.

"Balancing the books" seems very complicated, almost seems impossible at times. We are not a regular hospitality "business", a hotel or Country House that offers beer and parties. We are a Buddhist Temple. A Triratna Centre. I have the impression periodically that you have to take a rabbit out of a hat to fill the gaps.

A friend's mother once told me that we could set up a brothel (instead of doing retreats).......private house in the countryside with 10 rooms, en suite bathrooms, pleasant views, just an hour from Valencia......and we are also in Wild West of Castellón. Why not? It will be more profitable, she says. But I replied that I didn't think it resonated well with our values. The walls are a little thin for such an activity!

The numbers

To cover expenses (including a small support for me), we need about 60,000 euros a year to keep the project going. It comes out at five thousand euros a month. We could share a detailed Excel if you want to see more details. This year, fortuna shining her light and a lot of work, we have achieved, even a small surplus.

As Director and as a Council, part of our responsibility is to try to ensure the economic well-being of Suryavana, that we pay the various debts and try to ensure a future and continued existence, including Abundance and growth of the project.

The good news we can tell you is that simply by keeping the project going the last four years, the mortgage has gone down about 40,000 euros. that’s without even calling the bank! We have returned a loan of 10,000 euros to a friend. And we are already settling another loan to Maite (Moksananda wife). We have made several renovations, new batteries (about 10 000), a Bosch dishwasher, new meditation gear, the Zafus and mats, renewing all the mosquito nets among many more things.

In January 2022, we had a conversation with one of our “Investors”, Windhorse Trust (They helped us buy the Masia in 2016). After this conversation they recommended that we focus on building a "reserve" (in my mind ideally about 15,000 euros or three months of expenses).

We have tried to increase income focussing especially on "non-Triratna" groups. Partly because we see that Triratna in Spain, for now, cannot sustain too much activity and secondly because there is also a great opportunity to offer our precious place to the rest of the world, sharing some of its beauty and Peace to other communities of practitioners that share a similar vision and values.

I also had in mind the idea of developing an element of an ethical work space, and working in a team (team based right livelihood), supporting the cooks and team when possible.

Triratna activity. This year the Buddhist Center of Valencia, our sister project, has organized several retreats in Suryavana with a contribution of about 6,000 euros. (10% of our annual needs). There were two events with men in the Ordering process "IAR Withdrawals", contributing another 6 thousand euros (another 10% of our necessary income and then three weekends of the Order (approximately another 3,000 euros), and 5% of our income necessary to "survive".

In short, Triratna activity has contributed 25% of the necessary income so that Suryavana could continue to function. The other 75% have come from other sources. Money doesn't grow on trees, they say! At least that’s what my dear parents told me. We have worked hard to look for it.

After another conversation recently with a neighbour in Viver, I realized that you have to relate to Suryavana not only as a mythical place where meditation and spiritual practices are done but also as a business and I have to see myself more as a “Business person” an "Entrepreneur". I am very grateful for her comment, even though she doesn't know how important it was. We have to be more precise and exacting with money issues. My character is one of generosity, sharing and being flexible and adaptable to situations and people. And hoping every ing will work out.  But I see that if we are going to get on in Suryavana we have to be a little more “formal”. As they say in Spanish.

In the winter, expenses skyrocket mainly due to the issue of propane gas for the central heating. We are paying Primagas a fortune (double what the market offers now) and I am trying to get out of the contract and establish a better one. I have done a precise study on Suryavana's expenses in the winter. The heating consumes between 15-25 kg of gas per day. It's amazing but I've got it nailed, I even talked to a technician a few days ago about the issue. The Ferroli heating system (Italian built) (the fierce Italian I call it) is a very powerful 74 kW central heating “furnace”. It seems that it "drinks" propane. Imagine two of those orange gas bottles (used ubiquitously here in Spain) every day. It comes out at 75 euros a day.

Then, due to the lack of sunlight and hence solar power, we burn through about 20 liters of diesel on the support generator (the Taigüer 30kW - our Chinese tiger at home) every week long retreat. About 50 euros in diesel. Our "Chinese tiger" is too big for our needs, it could supply the Segorbe Christmas fair without problem.

Then if we add the food (prices have gone up as we know). The local oil was 26.50 euros for five liters in 2020 when we started living in Suryavana. This year it costs 55 euros for 5 liters. More than double.

Where do we want to go?

I have a plan in my head for the next 3/4 years. Up to even 2034. (10 years even). We have been here four years and more or less I could imagine the next four. Life may well have other plans. We live, of course, in the middle of the Cremation Grounds and impermanence and death are always present. Any Buddhist should be aware of this reality. Anything can come undone. Indeed right now it is “going undone”.

The Abundance. Growth of the project

What I would like to see is growth and Abundance. More enjoyment, more pleasure, more play, less fretting about the accounts.

We continue with the plan to build a 10/11m meditation sala/dome or yurt to facilitate a space dedicated to the practice of meditation (and other activities) and not to share the meditation room / salon / as housing. It’s our living room when retreats are not on; no space for a sofa, a TV,  where’s the sofa? Where’s the TV?

We have a plan to develop a bigger vegetable garden, to work against food prices and supply organic vegetables to retreats and a possible box scheme for our wider community. We have plans for more retreats including a Great Gathering of Triratna (Easter 2025) inviting all the Sanghas of the Peninsula, Islands and Lisbon, for a collective event to celebrate our community and culture as Iberian Buddhist practitioners in the 21st century.

Thank you for your attention and understanding

I also want to remind you, having a Retreat Centre here in Spain has been the dream of many of us for many years. The most important thing is that we carry this torch in our hearts.

We depend on the collaboration and effort of many people.


I want to thank everyone who has cooked, brought their groups, cleaned and has given love and affection to this beautiful and unique place. Specifically, I would like to thank Yashomani (the Treasurer), Sadhita and Amalamati for being members of the Council, Clara of Jerica for cleaning the house every week, Giacomo for helping me with repairs and maintenance that we have done. I want to say thank you to Ángel and his team for taking care of our land and  solving some knotty problems with our beloved diesel engine. I want to thank Pedro and Carlos Luis and Padmashalin, Priyadasa and Isabel for cooking again and again when necessary.

I also want to say that Suryavana represents a lot of love and sacrifice from me and my family. I want to thank the collaboration and efforts of Jesu, my partner and our children, Rubén and Satya. (Wishing that they don’t come out traumatised from the experience)

Let's go forward with our feet well planted on the ground, rooted, looking towards the Light.

A big hug to everyone and Happy New Year.

Suḍāka (and Suryavana Council)

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Reporte del Director 2023
Cuentos y experiencias tras cuatro años viviendo en Suryavana


Querría agradecer vuestro continuado apoyo del Suryavana. 

En septiembre 2021 tome la responsabilidad de ser “Director”, “Presidente” de la asociación, Suryavana. El nuevo “Comunidad Budista Triratna Centro de Retiros Xèrica.”

En septiembre 2020, un año antes, con mi familia, nos empadronamos en Suryavana. Vivimos mayormente allí y ya estamos en nuestro cuarto Invierno. Podría contar muchos cuentas y experiencias de estos cuatros años, el cuenta del primer Invierno, de la nieve, la Borrasca Filomena, cuando se acabó el gas y dos meses durmiendo la familia entera en el salón, la chimenea Hergom encendida 24 horas. El cuento del segundo Invierno, sin Luz, por que fallaban las baterías viejas y por la crisis en líneas de producción de cosas como consecuencia de la Pandemia, las baterías nuevas llegaba 5 meses tarde. Como un encantamiento de los duendes forestales, cuando bajaba el Sol, las plaques solares cesaban de producir Luz y descendió una silencia absoluta sobre el Centro. Pura magia. Ni Luz, ni Bomba de agua, ni Internet. Ni Nada. El tercer Invierno fue algo de alivio con la llegada de Isra García y los Crudo-veganos. Podría contaros de la llegada de las gallinas liberadas de sus vidas cortadas a 40 días. Ya gallinas felices en el campo. Podría contaros del nacimiento de nuestro perro Sonic durante el Gran Incendio del Verano 2022 casi transformando todo la zona en carbón y cenizas. Literalmente vivimos unos días en el medio de un Campo de Incineración. Y más cosas. Pero quizás algo para contaros en persona. 

Podemos decir que hemos hecho un estudio o contemplación tras cuatro años viviendo con el proyecto, desde dentro del proyecto. Una reflexión íntima. Sus altos y sus bajos. Claramente me ha afectado también mis estados internos. Mis estados mentales. ¿¡Como, no?! Para mi, estoy realizando un sueño de vivir en un Templo Budista. Cuando volví de Tailandia después de varios retiros de meditación en los Templos allí al Reino Unido en 1995 contaba a mi amigo espiritual Narapriya, que querría dormir en el Centro Budista de Newcastle Upon Tyne donde vivía. 25 años más tarde hubo una oportunidad de hacerlo ¡Ya estamos! 

Para nada es un proyecto fácil manejar. Es un proyecto nuevo con pocos recursos económicos y humanos. Como muchos proyectos de Triratna o muchos proyectos “Start-up”, pionero. Requiere mucha dedicación, amor y paciencia. En 2016 el Centro Budista de Valencia compró la Masía casi sin capital inicial que es una maravilla en sí. Es una casa ya con la infraestructura e instalaciones viejas y en algunos casos obsoletas, technologías del siglo 20 incluso, requiriendo mucho amor y atención para mantener funcionando. Nuestro generador de apoyo, el Taigüer, es un buen ejemplo, una bestia de generador diésel, tamaño de un motor de un camión, de china de 2010. 

Suryavana es el primero Centro de Retiros Triratna orientado a la población local, es decir española en España. Tenemos otros centros de retiros como Guyhaloka y Akashavana pero están enfocados más en el proceso de Ordenación nivel Internacional. En todos sentidos en un proyecto pionero con todos los desafíos que van con ser pionero. A veces tengo la sensación (por la menos en mi imaginación) que estamos “entrando en una relación” (en una manera amablemente por se puesto) con los dioses y diosas del lugar para ganar nuestro derecho estar allí. Curiosamente nuestro querido vecino Ángel me comentaba que la Masía ya ha tenido varios dueños desde su construcción en 1900. Casi cada diez años la gente la dejan. Por que pregunto y me dijo que es una tierra dura cultivar, poca productiva (olivos y almendras). De hecho está año, gracias a la sequía, hay poco aceite de olivo propio. 

Pues, nuestra visión es algo diferente, un centro dharmico, un Templo Budista en el lejano occidente de Castellón. Lo que yo espero, décadas, siglos incluso de estar aquí. Para siempre. Para la eternidad. A ver si es posible. 

Los últimos cuatro años

En septiembre 2020, la Pandemia estaba en plena desarollo, mudamos a la casa. Pasamos varios Confinamientos (Lock-downs) allí. Durante este época simplemente acumulábamos más deudas. Anulábamos muchos eventos pero continuaba los gastos, las hipotecas. El banco ni respondió a nuestras llamadas. Demasiados ocupados su pongo. Todo Muy Incómodo! 

Aprovechamos el descanso de actividad de recibir grupos para re-construir la Cabaña de Madera para retiros solitarios (o escapes al campo) ya en mucha demanda. 

“Sacar números” parece muy complicado casi parece imposible a veces. No somos un “negocio” normal de hostelería, un hotel o Casa Rural que ofrece cervezas y fiestas. Somos un Templo Budista. Un Centro Triratna. Tengo la impresión periódicamente hay que sacar un conejo de un sombrero para llenar los huecos en las cuentas.

La madre de una amiga me comentó una vez que podemos montar un burdel (en lugar de hacer retiros)…….casa privada en el campo con 10 habitaciones, baños en suite, vistas agradables, solo una hora de Valencia……además estamos en el lejano occidente de Castellón. ¿Por que no? Saldrá más rentable dice ella. Pero respondí que creo que no copla demasiado bien con nuestros valores. Además los paredes son muy finas para tal actividad!

Los Números 

Para cubrir gastos (incluyendo un pequeño apoyo para mi), require unos 60 mil euros al año para mantener el proyecto en marcha.  Sale a cinco mil euros al mes. Podríamos compartir un Excel detallado si querréis ver más detalles. Este año por suerte y mucho trabajo hemos logrado, incluso con un pequeño superávit. 

Como Director y como Junta, parte de nuestros responsabilidades es intentar asegurar el bienestar económico de Suryavana, que pagamos los varios deudas y intentar asegurar un futuro y existencia, incluso Abundancia y crecimiento del proyecto. 

La buena noticia que podemos contaros es que simplemente manteniendo el proyecto en marcha en los últimos cuatro años la hipoteca ha reducido unos 40 mil euros más. Hemos devuelto un préstamo de 10 mil euros a un amigo. Y ya estamos liquidando otro préstamo a Maite (paraje de Moksananda). Hemos hecho varias renovaciones, de las baterías, las lavavajillas, material para meditar, los Zafus y colchonetas, renovando todos los mosquiteros entre muchas más cosas. 

En enero 2022, tuvimos una conversación con uno de nuestros Inversores, Windhorse Trust (Nos ayudaban comprar la Masia en 2016). Tras esta conversación nos recomendaron que enfocamos construir un “colchón” (idealmente unos 15 mil euros o tres meses de gastos). 

Hemos intentado subir ingresos para enfocando especialmente en grupos “no-Triratna”. En parte por que vemos que Triratna en España, por ahora, no puede sostener tanta actividad y también hay una buena oportunidad para ofrecer nuestra precioso lugar al resto del mundo compartiendo algo de su belleza y Paz a otras comunidades de practicantes semejantes a nuestra visión y valores. 

También tenia en mente la idea de desarrollar un elemento de un sustento ética, de trabajar en equipo (team based right livelihood), apoyando los cocineros y equipo cuando sea posible. 

Actividad Triratna. Este año el Centro Budista de Valencia, nuestro proyecto hermana, ha organizado varios retiros en Suryavana con una aportación de unos 6 mil euros. (10% de nuestras necesidades anuales). Había dos eventos con hombres en el proceso de Ordenación “Retiros IAR”, aportando otro 6 mil euros (otro 10% de nuestros ingresos necesarios y luego tres findes de la Orden (aproximadamente otros 3 mil euros), y 5% de nuestros ingresos necesarios para “sobrevivir“. 

En fin, actividad Triratna ha aportado 25% de los ingresos necesarios para que podría seguir funcionando Suryavana. El el otro 75% ha aprecido de otros fuentes. El dinero no crece en los árboles, se dice! Por los menos en inglés. “Money doesn’t grow on trees”. Me dijo mis padres. Hemos trabajado para buscarlo. 

Tras de otra conversación con una vecina de Viver, me de cuenta que hay que relacionarse con Suryavana no solo como un lugar mítico donde se realiza la meditación y prácticas espirituales pero también como una empresa y yo como “Empresario”, nosotros como “Empresarios”. Estoy muy agradecido a su comentario, aún que ella no sabe que importancia tenía. Hay que ser más precisa y más clara con temas de dinero. Como sabéis mi carácter es uno de generosidad, compartir y ser flexible y adaptable a las situaciones y personas. Pero veo que si vamos a funcionar en Suryavana hay que ser un pelín más formal. 

En Invierno los gastos disparan principalmente por el tema de gas propano para la calefacción central. Estamos pagando una fortuna a Primagas (doble lo que ofrece el mercado ahora) y estoy peleando para salir del contrato y establecer uno mejor. He hecho un estudio más precisa sobre los gastos de Suryavana en el Invierno. La calefacción consume entre 15-25 kg de gas al día. Es flipante pero lo tengo súper estudiado, incluso hablé con un técnica hace unos días. La calefacción Ferroli (el italiano feroz) es muy potente unos 74 kW, parece que “bebe” el propano. Imaginar dos bombonas de gas (naranjas) al día. Sale a 75 euros al día. 

Luego por falta de Luz Solar gastamos unos 20 litros de gasoil en el generador de apoyo (el Taigüer 30kW – nuestro tigre china en casa) cada semana. Unos 50 euros en gasóleo A. Nuestro “tigre china” es demasiado grande para nuestras necesidades, podría suministrar la feria de navidad de Segorbe sin problema. 

Luego si añadimos la comida (los precios han subido como sabemos). El aceite local era 26.50 euros por cinco litros en 2020 cuando empecemos a vivir en Suryavana. Este año sale a 55 euros por 5 litros. Más de doble. 

¿Donde queremos ir?

Tengo un plan en mi cabeza por los próximos 3/4 años. Hasta incluso hasta 2034. (10 años). Llevamos cuatro aquí y más o menos podría imaginar los próximos cuatro. Siempre podría presentar la vida otros planes. Vivimos, como no, en el medio de los Campos de Incineración y la impermanencia y la muerta siempre están presentes. Cualquiera budista debería ser consciente de esta realidad. Todo puede caer. Incluso está cayendo. 

La Abundancia. Crecimiento del proyecto

Lo que me gustaría ver es crecimiento y Abundancia. Más disfrutar, más placer, más juega, más alivio. 

Seguimos con el plan de construir una sala de meditación para facilitar un espacio dedicado a la práctica de meditación (y otras actividades) y no compartir la sala de meditación /salon/ cómo vivienda. 

Tenemos un plan de desarrollar un campo de verduras, hortalizas, para luchar en contra los precios de la comida y suministrar verdura ecológica a los retiros. Tenemos planes de más retiros incluso un Re-Encuentro de Triratna (Pascua 2025) invitando todas las Sanghas de la Península, Islas y Lisboa, para un evento colectivo para celebrar nuestra comunidad y cultura como practicantes budistas Ibéricos en el siglo 21. 

Gracias por vuestra atención y compresión 

Quiero también recordaros, tener un Centro de Retiros ha sido el sueño de mucho de nosotros durante muchísimos años. Lo más importante es que llevamos esta torcha en el corazón. 

Dependemos de la colaboración y esfuerzo de mucha gente.


Quiero agradecer todos quien han cocinado, llevado sus grupos, limpiado y han dado cariño a este lugar precioso y único. En concreto me gustaría agradecer Yashomani (el Tesorero), Sadhita y Amalamati por ser miembros de la Junta, Clara de Jerica para limpiar la casa cada semana, Giacomo para ayudarme con arreglos y mantenimientos que hemos hecho. Quiero decir gracias a Ángel y su equipo de Jérica para cuidar nuestros terrenos y averiguar y solucionar unos problemas con nuestro querido generador de Luz. Quiero agradecer Pedro y Carlos Luis y Padmashalin, Priyadasa y Isabel para cocinar vez y otra vez cuando ha sido necesario. 

Quiero decir también que Suryavana representa mucho amor y sacrificio de mi parte y de mi familia. Quiero agradecer la colaboración y los esfuerzos de Jesu, mi pareja y los peques, Rubén y Satya. 

Vamos en adelante con los pies bien plantados en la tierra, aterrizados, mirando hacia la Luz. 

Un abrazo a todos y Feliz Año. 

Suḍāka (y Junta Directiva de Suryavana)

Director y Guest Master

Centro de Retiros Suryavana

(+34) 638 31 71 38

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Bodhiyoga 2024. This year two retreats in the warmer months. Late May and Early July. The first retreat, the "Call of the Forest" (25 - 31 May 2024) is a showcase of Bodhiyoga best practices and we present yoga through various modalities. Classical Hatha/Vinyasa, Remedial Yoga and Yin Yoga seemlessly exploring meditation and mindfulness throughout the day. 
In the second retreat, "The Enchanted Forest" - is a Yoga Journey through the Five Buddha Mandala, (1 - 7 July 2024) we explore yoga practice though the lenses of the Five Buddhas, emphasising an imaginative and Mythical connection with yoga asana and ritual practice. Both retreats have a strong "being outdoors in the nature" enjoying the beautiful grounds of Suryavana Retreat Centre.

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Music Retreats::Retiros de Música
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The Set Up

Preparing Suryavana for a large group of Guests. 

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

— Jellaludin Rumi,

translation by Coleman Barks

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Reservations still open

Prerequisite Foundation Course Online - 

we offer 20 pre-recorded sessions

Residential 29 September- 13 October 2023

Suryavana Spain Unique offer £2250

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Art, love, music! What more do we need?

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Bodhiyoga International which runs most of its activities out of Suruavana is making a special and unique offer this year. Now in our 12th edition maybe it’s time for you to deepen your yoga practice. 

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Concierto de Jazz. 30 abril

Hola todos. David Minguillón y sus compañer@s del taller/retiro de Musica ofrecen un Concierto público el domingo 30 de abril. 12-14h. Sería un Concierto y luego si querréis compartir comida vegetariana para un picnic después.  No hacer falta reservar sólo presentaros! Rogamos que no hay alcohol. Gracias.

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