We are planning to come together to help each other say good bye to our dear friend, sister, mentor, and woman extraordinaire, Suvarnaprabha.
Please join us if you can:
Friday, Sept. 27th from 1 - 3pm at:
Fernwood Cemetery
301 Tennessee Valley Road, Mill Valley, CA 94941 (Google Map)
Tel 415-383-7100
(Walking shoes will be helpful as we are walking to her plot up a hill. Leave your Jimmy Choo's behind is what we're saying!)
If you would like to bring a flower to place on her grave, please do.
The Buddhist Center doors will be open to welcome all of you who would like to gather after the service:
San Francisco Buddhist Center
37 Bartlett, Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Lots of love,
Kathy, Paulette, Laura, Julie, Padmatara