Three Ordinations in New Zealand
Varadevi and Dharmanandi are delighted to announce the names of three new Dharmacharinis.
Public Preceptor Varadevi
Andrea Gill becomes Ujjalamati
(Pali - all short vowels)
Private Preceptor: Dharmanandi
Meaning of name: She whose mind is radiant
Public Preceptor Dharmanandi
Kate Drury becomes Saccattha
(Pali - long second and last a)
Meaning of name: She whose goal is the Truth
Private Preceptor: Varadevi
Natalie Grace becomes Karunajoti
(Pali - long second a and long i)
Meaning of name: She who has the splendour of compassion
Private Preceptor: Varadevi
With Metta,
Varadevi and Dharmanandi
Left to right in the photo - Karunajoti (She who has the splendour of compassion), Ujjalamati (She whose mind is radiant), Dharmanandi (public preceptor), Saccattha (She whose goal is the Truth) and Varadevi (public preceptor).