North London Buddhist Centre
North London Buddhist Centre
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Events commemorating Sangharakshita at the North London Buddhist Centre

Sitting with recollection of Sangharakshita.
North London Buddhist Centre small shrine room is a dedicated space, 11 AM-6:30 PM Monday to Friday until 9 November.

Anyone is welcome to come and sit quietly in the room, or write in the book of memories and appreciation. Do bring flowers and donations in his memory if you wish. Donations will go to our ongoing purchase of his complete writings, and the Centre's continuation of his work in introducing more and more people to the Buddha's teachings. You can donate here, go to the 'donate' button, bottom left.

Special events
10 AM meditation and chanting
Every morning except Sunday. All welcome.
Special meditation and puja
Fridays 2 and 9 November, 7:30 PM. All welcome.
Event for order members and mitras
Saturday 3 November, 1:30 PM.
Special Sangha night
Monday 5 November, 7 PM, all who know mindfulness and metta meditation are welcome.
Funeral at Adhisthana, Herefordshire.
Saturday 10 November, 12:30 PM, all welcome.