Friday 1 May, 19:30, with Lalitaraja. Join via this Zoom link.
Celebrating the halfway point between equinox and solstice. The female Buddha Prajnaparamita (Perfect Wisdom) will be the central focus for the puja -- her synthesis of wisdom and compassion arises in the realisation of emptiness.
An evening of ritual honouring Beltane. Beltane celebrates the rites of passion and fertility, of union, or differently put of the integration of wisdom and compassion. Prajnaparamita will be the central focus for the puja, a female Buddha, known as the Great Mother of all the Buddhas.
For those familiar with the mindfulness of breathing and the development of loving kindness meditations.
A full Moon Puja dedicated to Amoghasiddhi, led by Santva, follows on 15 May.
Please join promptly. Zoom Meeting link here.
We offer this event in the spirit of generosity. Please consider joining with that spirit and donating to help the Centre to stay afloat during these tough times. Thank you!
Beltane Puja