Dear friends,
I am very happy to announce the public ordinations of five women at Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre yesterday afternoon, 1 April 2022.
Public Preceptor Malini:
Tomoko Buce becomes Sraddharocani (acute accent on the s, macron on the second a and the i), a Sanskrit name meaning she who is radiant with faith.
Registered spelling: Shraddharocani
Private preceptor: Akasamati
Public preceptor Vajrajyoti:
Lisa Kelly becomes Gambhirachitta (macron on the first i and the last a), a Sanskrit name meaning she who has a profound heart.
Registered spelling: Gambhirachitta
Private preceptor: Akasamati
Annette Balsillie becomes Taradhi (macron on all the vowels), a Sanskrit name meaning she who has the wisdom of Tara.
Registered spelling: Taradhi
Private preceptor: Malini
Marian Patrizio becomes Viryashuri (macron on the i, the u and the last i), a Sanskrit name meaning heroine of energy.
Registered spelling: Viryashuri
Private preceptor: Vikasini
With metta,
Vajrajyoti and Malini
Public Ordination at Sudarshanaloka