Dear Friends,
We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following six men took place at Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre in New Zealand on 28th March 2024:
Public Preceptor Purna:
David Raubenheimer becomes Dharmaprakāśa (fourth 'a' is long, acute accent over the ’s’), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is bright and shining with and through the Dharma"
Registered spelling: Dharmaprakasha
Private preceptor: Guhyasiddhi
Public Preceptor Siladasa:
Glenn Cecil becomes Puṇyanāga (dot under the first 'n', second 'a' is long), a Sanskrit name meaning "Naga who displays the positive effects of practice and action"
Registered spelling: Punyanaga
Private preceptor: Viryasiddhi
Rob Young becomes Maitrījāta (second 'i' is long, second 'a' is long), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is born from kindness and friendliness"
Registered spelling: Maitrijata
Private preceptor: Arunamalin
Clifford Plumpton becomes Dharmanara, a Sanskrit name meaning "Man of the Dharma"
Registered spelling: Dharmanara
Private preceptor: Viraja
John Leung becomes Vīryamuni (long first 'i'), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is an energetic sage"
Registered spelling: Viryamuni
Private preceptor: Pamojjacitta
Roland Walker becomes Cittaketu, a Sanskrit name meaning "One who carries the banner of the bodhicitta"
Registered spelling: Cittaketu
Private preceptor: Viryasiddhi
Pictured above L to R: Dharmaprakasha, Punyanaga, Maitrijata, Dharmanara, Viryamuni, Cittaketu
With metta,
Purna & Siladasa