Ordinations at Sudarshanaloka in New Zealand
on 28th March 2024

Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following six men took place at Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre in New Zealand on 28th March 2024:

Public Preceptor Purna:

David Raubenheimer becomes Dharmaprakāśa (fourth 'a' is long, acute accent over the ’s’), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is bright and shining with and through the Dharma"
Registered spelling: Dharmaprakasha
Private preceptor: Guhyasiddhi

Public Preceptor Siladasa:

Glenn Cecil becomes Puṇyanāga (dot under the first 'n', second 'a' is long), a Sanskrit name meaning "Naga who displays the positive effects of practice and action"
Registered spelling: Punyanaga
Private preceptor: Viryasiddhi

Rob Young becomes Maitrījāta (second 'i' is long, second 'a' is long), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is born from kindness and friendliness"
Registered spelling: Maitrijata
Private preceptor: Arunamalin

Clifford Plumpton becomes Dharmanara, a Sanskrit name meaning "Man of the Dharma"
Registered spelling: Dharmanara
Private preceptor: Viraja

John Leung becomes Vīryamuni (long first 'i'), a Sanskrit name meaning "He who is an energetic sage"
Registered spelling: Viryamuni
Private preceptor: Pamojjacitta

Roland Walker becomes Cittaketu, a Sanskrit name meaning "One who carries the banner of the bodhicitta"
Registered spelling: Cittaketu
Private preceptor: Viryasiddhi

Pictured above L to R: Dharmaprakasha, Punyanaga, Maitrijata, Dharmanara, Viryamuni, Cittaketu

With metta,

Purna & Siladasa