Since announcing the project in Triratna News last September, the project to develop Buddhist cohousing in Cambridge, the Suvana Cohousing Project, has continued to gain momentum.
Their vision is to build a new type of community, where 20-30 households create a beautiful place with a mixture of dwelling types all benefiting from shared facilities and minimal impact on the earth’s resources.
Although they have yet to find a development site, the group of Order Members and Mitras who are involved in the Suvana cohousing project have secured the public support of the local MP, been awarded a small grant to help develop their plans, made a pre-application in relation to a specific site, held two full day workshops, toured a new cohousing site, surveyed the membership, launched a website, received local media coverage and attracted new members. Alongside all this, a new member has written about their experience of coming to their first meeting.
Read more on the Suvana Cohousing blog.
“We’ve found at our workshops and meetings there’s been wonderful light-hearted and creative atmosphere, with everybody fully engaged, exemplifying the communal effort and open communication that we wanted to foster with Suvana.” says Jeremy Peters, one of the Board members.
“And what has been so encouraging was just how in tune we all are, really sharing our core values in a way that bodes well for the future – it really feels like we are creating something special!”
If you see yourself being part of a community of Triratna people creating their own living environment, you can join as a member. You can keep up to date through the Suvana Cohousing blog or Instagram @suvanacam.