“My first book, "Seven Steps to Successful Environmental Training Programs – a practical workbook" has been selected for inclusion on the New Zealand stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October this year - New Zealand is this year's Guest Country of Honour at the Fair.
Environmental training is a growth industry: it creates new professions that transform business and ecosystems – but few environmental experts are experienced trainers. "Seven Steps" reveals the secrets of a successful environmental training program of nearly 20 years duration. It sets out step by step what organisations need to do to set up and deliver a training program that is long-lived and effective. It is for people who work in government environmental agencies, professional and industry associations, tertiary teaching institutions, large businesses, utilities and community groups, first (indigenous) peoples and other not-for-profits. It has over 100 pages, 23 detailed worksheets, room for notes, tables, diagrams, a detailed index and many sources of further information.
“Seven Steps” was written under Muditanandi’s previous name of Clare Feeney; you can find out more about it on the book’s website or blog, as well as Muditanandi's personal website. And here’s a sample review: “Congrats Clare - I love the layout, principles, and your conversational style. Your book is a gem and I'll spread the word.” Professor Mark Hostetler, Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation, University of Florida.