This full moon - the 10th May - we celebrated Wesak (often called Buddha Day). Find out how sanghas around the world marked the occasion - the occasion that unites all of us in our practice as Buddhists, despite the physical distance between us and diverse backgrounds.
Click on the photos to the left to scroll through a lovely slideshow packed full of images of shrines, programmes and people celebrating.
Nagpur, India: Watch several Dharmacharini's lead a Pali Puja as part of a mitra ceremony held as part of a three day programme.
Sydney, Australia: Watch this wonderful video of Claire introducing the amazingly creative shrine for the day - includes dinosaurs as a representation of fossilised views!
Valencia, Spain: Young Buddhists in Valencia chant the Shakyamuni mantra - with special quest Prajnaketu (Young Buddhist Facilitator) from Oxford, UK.
Listen to inspiring talks
You can find some great talks given as part of the celebrations on Free Buddhist Audio.
Vajrasara guides listeners through 5 coloured windows and 5 questions, to draw out different dimensions of the elusive & ineffable Shakyamuni Buddha.
In What was the Buddha really like? Jayabodhi explores this important question with particular emphasis on how this is related to out own lives and how we may follow in the footsteps of the Buddha ourselves.
Vishvapani also gave his Thought for the Day for BBC Radio.