Manchester Buddhist Centre
Manchester Buddhist Centre
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Road to the City of Delight Starts In the Town of Fear
Padmasambhava sits in the cremation ground, with the most difficult aspects of his experience, and delight, joy and energy - the dakini - emerges. Candradipa explores how a vivid Dharma life requires us to to sit with difficulties, to enter our 'no-go zones'. Without this, we'll settle down into complacency and dullness. Talk given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre during Padmasambhava Day Festival 2024.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Path of Imagination
In this talk, given on a Manchester Men's Sangha Retreat, Vidyapala explores the imagination both from a Western cultural and philosophical point of view and then talks about its importance for us, as people trying to practice Buddhism in the West. He also suggests some ways of developing the imagination as a faculty of perception that helps us to understand reality more deeply.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Honouring Life, Honouring Connection
Talk given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre during the 2024 Parinirvana Day Festival.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
We Are Our Relationships | Sangha As Truth
This talk delves into the concept of 'Sangha' and its deep connections with truth and relationships. Sanghadhara shares personal reflections and experiences, emphasising the importance of community and spiritual friendships in understanding and embodying Dharma. Reflecting on "Relationships are prior to Relata", a perspective explored by Iain McGillchrist, Sanghadhara explores its connections with Pratītyasamutpāda, Anatman, Compassion, Karma, and Spiritual Friendship. Drawing from philosophical and scientific perspectives, the talk explores the idea that relationships precede individual entities. Offering a deep dive into how interconnectedness is fundamental to understanding the nature of reality.
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Manchester Sangha Walk
Building sangha around the mandala, across varied terrain

This year Moksasari and Debbie invited anyone with a connection to our Centre to join them in walking the 180-mile route of the Greater Manchester Ringway, in stages over a number of weekends. They had three main aims: to build Sangha, to raise money for a new retreat centre for women in training for Ordination and to get fit.

Like our Sangha, the route covers a wide and varied area of Greater Manchester, taking in the green spaces, waterways and countryside of all ten boroughs: Manchester, Stockport, Tameside, Oldham, Rochdale, Bury, Bolton, Wigan, Salford and Trafford. From the the canals and green spaces of the South, the hills of the east, the peaks and valleys of the north, to the wetlands and farmland of the west, the group changed with the location and with the terrain, as the seasons turned.

The walk began on 25th March and we complete the Mandala on 8th October, walking down the Bridgewater Canal from Stretford to Salford Quays, through Ordsall and then along the River Irwell to the city centre, winding our way to the Buddhist Centre, mostly on pedestrian routes and with shorter options available.

In the Centre's Lotus Hall, we end the venture with a closing ritual dedicated to Vairocana and a celebration open to everyone. Donations  to Tiratanaloka [un]Limited are still welcomed.

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Summer Art Exhibition

This summer we are displaying some beautiful artworks by members of our community in our atmospheric historical building in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. A sensitively converted textile warehouse, the aesthetics of our our Centre reflect the importance of art and imagination in our Buddhist practice.

The exhibition is open whenever the Centre is open, with no charge, and we extend a warm welcome to all visitors. All exhibition pieces are for sale, with the proceeds going to two charities - Manchester Buddhist Centre and Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre.

The works are displayed around our extensive ground floor and blend in with the existing pieces on permanent display. Many of the works for sale have been generously given by one of our Order Members, Amritasakhi, an artist with a considerable body of work which she is now  letting go of as part of her spiritual practice. 

We encourage our visitors to make themselves at home here, ask questions, have a brew, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Our summer exhibition provides a perfect opportunity for a break from the busy-ness outside.

Opening Hours

Tuesday to Thursday: 11am - 3pm
Saturday: 10.30am - 2.30pm

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
From Suffering to Shraddha
In this talk Vidyapala draws on various Pali suttas, and the Buddha's own life, to suggest ways we might move from suffering to faith
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Three Protectors: Avalokitesvara
The first in a series of talks by Parami looking at the Three Protectors. In this talk she looks at Avalokitesvara, the embodiment of Great Compassion. How can the figure and symbolism of Avalokitesvara help us, especially in difficult times? The talk was given online in 2020 at Manchester Buddhist Centre’s Sangha evening.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Three Protectors: Vajrapani
The third in a series of talks by Parami looking at the Three Protectors. In this talk she looks at Vajrapani, the deep-blue embodiment of Energy. How can the figure and symbolism of Vajrapani help us, especially in difficult times? The talk was given online in 2020 at Manchester Buddhist Centre’s Sangha evening.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Three Protectors: Manjusri
The second in a series of talks by Parami looking at the Three Protectors. In this talk she looks at Manjusri, the sword bearing embodiment of Wisdom. How can the figure and symbolism of Manjusri help us, especially in difficult times? Talk given in 2020 at Manchester Buddhist Centre's Sangha evening.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Spiritual Death
In a talk given as part of Manchester Buddhist Centre's Urban Retreat, February 2020, Mahasraddha looks at Spiritual Death, and in particular our receptivity to impermanence and insubstantiality.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Spiritual Death
In a talk given as part of Manchester Buddhist Centre's Urban Retreat, February 2020, Mahasraddha looks at Spiritual Death, and in particular our receptivity to impermanence and insubstantiality.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Green Tara, my Friend
Taravandana reflects on the possibilities of developing a friendship with an archetypal Bodhisattva figure, like Green Tara. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre at a day for women training for ordination in December 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
What is the Point of Sangha?
Silabodhi shares some personal reflections on the importance of Sangha and selflessness in spiritual life. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre at the Sangha Day Festival, November 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Green Tara, my Friend
Taravandana reflects on the possibilities of developing a friendship with an archetypal Bodhisattva figure, like Green Tara. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre at a day for women training for ordination in December 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
What is the Point of Sangha?
Silabodhi shares some personal reflections on the importance of Sangha and selflessness in spiritual life. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre at the Sangha Day Festival, November 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Ideal Society and the Ideal Individual
Siladevi reflects on an aspect of Buddhism that is often played down, but is nonetheless an organic part of Buddhism-that of working together with others to effect change in the world. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre during a day in commemoration of the death of Sangharakshita, 30 October 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
The Ideal Society and the Ideal Individual
Siladevi reflects on an aspect of Buddhism that is often played down, but is nonetheless an organic part of Buddhism-that of working together with others to effect change in the world. Talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre during a day in commemoration of the death of Sangharakshita, 30 October 2019.
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Dharma Wondrous Strange: 4. A Bad Apple
In this fourth talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the only way we can really be part of a spiritual community is by being authentic: revealing who we truly are. This is the only real basis both for friendship and spiritual growth. Unfortunately, the first ten minutes of the talk failed to record. Ratnaguna has kindly provided us some notes detailing what he said which can be accessed here
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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
Dharma Wondrous Strange: 4. A Bad Apple
In this fourth talk of eight, Ratnaguna suggests that the only way we can really be part of a spiritual community is by being authentic: revealing who we truly are. This is the only real basis both for friendship and spiritual growth. Unfortunately, the first ten minutes of the talk failed to record. Ratnaguna has kindly provided us some notes detailing what he said which can be accessed here
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