This summer we are displaying some beautiful artworks by members of our community in our atmospheric historical building in Manchester’s Northern Quarter. A sensitively converted textile warehouse, the aesthetics of our our Centre reflect the importance of art and imagination in our Buddhist practice.
The exhibition is open whenever the Centre is open, with no charge, and we extend a warm welcome to all visitors. All exhibition pieces are for sale, with the proceeds going to two charities - Manchester Buddhist Centre and Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre.
The works are displayed around our extensive ground floor and blend in with the existing pieces on permanent display. Many of the works for sale have been generously given by one of our Order Members, Amritasakhi, an artist with a considerable body of work which she is now letting go of as part of her spiritual practice.
We encourage our visitors to make themselves at home here, ask questions, have a brew, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere. Our summer exhibition provides a perfect opportunity for a break from the busy-ness outside.
Opening Hours
Tuesday to Thursday: 11am - 3pm
Saturday: 10.30am - 2.30pm