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Send Your Mandala Pictures For The Rainy Season Retreat
All this weekend and next week we'll be bringing teaching and blogs from the Rainy Season Urban Retreat that starts this evening in Bristol, UK. The theme is 'Living In the Mandala' and we'll be exploring the Brahma Viharas and how they correlate with the Five Buddha Mandala.

Alongside talks and other material exploring the correlation between the Buddhas and different positive emotions, we're also inviting you to send us your own images of mandalas (original pictures or ones you own) and we'll feature them on Instagram. It's great to animate some of the ideas behind the retreat in colour and form! Here are a few to start things off...

Log in and join the retreat online

Email us your own mandala pictures to be featured on Instagram!

Listen to Sangharakshita on Rainy Season Retreats