Community Highlights
Community Highlights
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Buddha Day Around Triratna!
This week marks the Triratna Community's celebration of the Buddhist festival of Wesak, or Buddha Day, and The Buddhist Centre Online is the perfect place to celebrate together - to see the smiling faces of our brothers and sisters from all over the world reflecting on the Buddha's Enlightenment.

Some centres have already held their events, and some are still upcoming, so stay tuned and +follow the Community Highlights space as we collect together any postings from around the globe. Our hope is to have a rich collection of photos, videos, audio talks and more!

Here are posts for some of the celebrations that have already taken place:

London Buddhist Centre
West London Buddhist Centre - with a beautiful watercolor of their shrine from a previous year
Glasgow Buddhist Centre
Aryaloka Buddhist Center, USA
Birmingham Buddhist Centre - great gallery of images from their celebration
Valencia, Spain - Another wonderful image gallery
Portsmouth Buddhist Center, USA - with photos and update here
Croydon Buddhist Centre
Stockholm, Sweden - To include a public talk entitled "The Buddha's Two Great Gifts to the World" by Ratnaguna
Nagpur, India - A three day festival was planned to celebrate the Buddha!

If you have images, video, audio, or anything else you'd like to share, please post it up on your centre space at The Buddhist Centre Online! Or you can also send your content to us at

Happy Buddha Day!