International Sangha Day 2021: "May Our Communication Be Sangha"
Sangha, spiritual community, can be described as a network of friendships based on what’s of most value. In the company of those committed to the Buddha’s teachings – past and present – we can express and deepen metta, loving-kindness, in our deeds, words and thoughts.
This year’s International Sangha Day celebration focused on communication because communication is a crucial part of the practice and development of Sangha. At its worst, communication can cause conflict and confusion, polarisation and the undermining of what’s really true and of value. But at its best communication can elevate us, spark us off and delight us. Like the dakini, the mythic sky-dancer, we can break the bonds of greed, hatred and delusion and inspire others to do the same.
On Sunday 21st November we explored how Sangha can be ‘an incomparable source of goodness for the world’ - you can now re-watch the highlights on YouTube.
1. Live from Auckland, New Zealand, Suvarnadhi leads a guided meditation to help us cultivate kindness and compassion in community as a shared vision for humanity and life itself.
2. A panel discussion hosted by Parami (Glasgow, Scotland) with Aryaketu (Nagpur, India), Arthavadin (Liverpool, UK), Samacitta (Birmingham, UK) and Dhammakumara (Sydney, Australia) exploring how our communication can be sangha and what sangha at its best looks like.
3. Nagapriya and Subhuti discuss their friendship - which has been both a blessing and a challenge - with much warmth and humour, looking at the implications of intergenerational friendship for the future of our sangha, concluding that there is "no sangha without friendship".
4. Starting with a Maori greeting, this international Gratitude Puja included contributions in French, German, Pali, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Sanskrit and Albanian - as well as English! The Gratitude Puja was written by Amritamati and was translated into twelve different languages, reflecting the diversity of our sangha. (Translations are available on the Triratna Resources space.)
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