Adhisthana is sometimes referred to as the 'home' of the Triratna Buddhist Order – but, it's situated in rural Herefordshire in the UK and we are an International community, so not all of us will be fortunate to be able to visit and go on retreat there! So, this week Akasajoti is sharing her experience of the Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata retreat, through daily stories, video posts, quotations, and the occasional pop song, exploring their theme of Metta and Bodhicitta.
She writes: "I want to begin to experiment with telling the stories of some of the events happening at Adhisthana – I want Adhisthana to be able to reach out all over the Triratna world across oceans and borders, and I want it to be a source of inspiration and positivity in the world and in this community. So over this week I’ll be on a retreat on the theme of Metta and Bodhicitta, and will try to tell you the story of Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata."
+follow Adhisthana here and on Facebook to hear, see, and read more of the story of Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata, all this week.
Blazing in the Fires of Sunyata – Live at Adhisthana