Happy 15th Birthday to Free Buddhist Audio! 🎂🎈🥳 🎁
Thank you for all your amazing support over the years. We really couldn't have done it without you!
Free Buddhist Audio wouldn’t be here without the regular support of individuals like you.
Your generosity and love for Free Buddhist Audio:
- Keeps available Sangharakshita’s body of teachings for people all over the world.
- Supports the weekly FBA Podcast and three-times weekly Dharmabytes Podcast of carefully curated talks and clips from our archive, touching the lives of thousands of people each month! 3 million downloads—and counting!
- Creates a reliable and far-reaching platform for Triratna Buddhist Order Members to communicate on topics ranging from the Bodhisattva Ideal and Ethics in the Modern World, to Meditation instruction, rituals, even retreats.
- Enables us to host talks in various languages, increasing the reach of our Triratna Centres and groups in places like San Paulo, Venezuela, Cuernavaca, Mexico and Krakow, Poland
- Helps us keep our social media presence strong, creative, and inspiring to people of all generations and inclinations. Including our YouTube channel with almost 7,000 subscribers!
- Makes it possible for millions of FBA downloads to enter the hearts and minds of committed Dharma practitioners, and those curious about Buddhism: providing a significant point of entry into the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community
- Provides a core background resource to Mitra Study in our community around the world.
Give a birthday gift to Free Buddhist Audio!
Here's a seasonal gift for all our supporters, featuring a special Dharma talk by Ratnaghosha on 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens, complete with a full reading by an amazing set of friends of the classic tale of kindness and compassion. xx
Since the pandemic of 2019 began, like everyone else, we've been re-telling our tale as a community in the face of great change, struggle and hardship, personal and collective. Having celebrated so well our deep illumined connections it's time now to get ready together for whatever comes next, resolved to grow as a great international gathering of friends offering the Dharma to the world.
So where better to begin than with story? Going forward we'll be offering a range of events and classes, retreats and conversations to help you stay in touch with what matters most in your life and in our shared lives of practice. We'll also be telling stories here – inviting you to join us for Dharma tales that bring out the best of us for the best and worst of times. Expect drama, laughter, love. Come for the guest readers and many kinds of wisdom, stay for the warmth of time spent well together.
We realise Dickens is not in everyone’s root cultural landscape – and this won’t be the only kind of story we tell going forward. Yet A Christmas Carol is now so well-known around the world we think it’s a great place to start out with our community "Once Upon a Times"; especially in how it allies with the spiritual journey of the Dharma: sorrow, loneliness, reflection, magic, generosity, goodwill to all beings.
Give now and keep the Dharma flowing as a Friend of FBA in 2022!