Buddhafield Family Friendly Village
Buddhafield Family Friendly Village
+join this group
2016 Village Retreats

More information and bookings here

Join us!

Spread the word!

Bring your friends!

Bring your generations!

Or just bring yourself and join our open hearted community. You don't need to have children of your own to come. All welcome!

But book early as it does often fill up.


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Taste the Sonic Fruits
Community Audio Archive now live!

Here it is at last... So pleased the conditions finally arose for this new community webspace and audio archive to happen. It's been in the pipeline for 8 years now, since I first came across the retreat at Glastonbury, reading a flier in the Buddhafields Cafe.

Who is it for?

In 2012, we made an audio document of the Village. We were looking to create a point of reflection and dialogue for a range of audiences, including:
- Regulars - to reflect, practice, enjoy
- Newcomers - to consider what they are coming to
- The wider Buddhafields > Triratna > Buddhist > world community - with an interest in children and families
- Others wanting to set up or develop their own child-friendly spaces
- Anyone else interested.


We are now looking for others who would like to help give children + parents access to nourishing Dharma + community . If you have any energy, ability or willingness to learn how to record, upload, edit material (audio, video, photographs, words) please get in touch with Libby or Amaragita.

Many thanks to all who helped make it happen and continue to support our online activity, including Candradasa, Amaragita, Graeme Sutherland and Paul Chauncy.

There is a whoooole lot more still to come from 2012 and perhaps more in 2013 and beyond.

Click here to go to Soundcloud, where the first batch are stored.

Origins of the Project

It followed many years of discussion with Devapriya, Amaragita, Vimalaraja and many many others at the Retreat and within Buddhafields/Triratna. We talked about the evolving place of children, young people, families and (by extension) parents and couples within the Buddhist world. Long conversations about how the retreat community is playing a part in opening that space, and supporting us all to enter the crucible of parenting, of life, consciously. Our first plan was to write a book, but what we have ended up with seems more relevant for now.


There are so many highlights for me. The best bit really was listening to people, streams, birds, the wind in the trees during the 2012 retreat, and then again when we were reviewing the vast amount of material! There was so much of it, from a place I have truly grown to love and see my family and so many others be nourished by. I really appreciated hearing Vijayadipa talk about how the "inner child" can come out to play, about her three generations on the retreat (still to come), and so many other interviews. I was also delighted to find a segment on FBA of Sangharakshita talking about the hot tubs at Buddhafield, and how much freedom is available to us through such expressions of the Dharma. There were many more.

Perhaps most poignant was making sure Devapriya's perspective was captured while he entered the last stage of life. The Caravan of Love it was. I would bring the days recordings into him, so he had the chance to hear nearly everything, and reflect on his visionary, heroic legacy - in between choofs on his cheroot.

Audio specialist and community member Paul Chauncy has kindly offered to weave together a three-minute "trailer" which will give an overview or taste of what happens at Frogsmill.

I wonder what your favourites might be....?


As Candradasa said in the introduction he wrote... this is "a history of the wonderful Buddhafield Family Retreat, which has been going as a practice community for over 14 years now. Some wonderful and inspiring insights into a strong-hearted communal effort to find a way to engage fully with the Buddha's teaching through family life.

"This first FBA Community Archive, produced in conjunction with the team at Free Buddhist Audio, contains beautiful material, funny material, challenging material. Yet all speaks clearly of the Dharma and of re-imagining the ancient tradition of 'householder practice' in ways that should be of immediate interest to anyone concerned with finding and opening up new paths to the Buddha in the 21st Century."

He says it is a first for Triratna online, and being shared as an example of what communities can do to share how they practice to (re)inspire themselves and others, as well as keeping in touch beyond the time they can physically be together.

What's Next

We will continue to add material as permissions keep coming in along with the 2012 Dharma talks, which are our next priority. If you feel there is a voice or perspective missing, or just want to add your own reflections, ideas, photos, favourite teachings (from FBA or elsewhere) please join this new online space at The Buddhist Centre or get in touch with me libby@egghouseart.com.

At the Village Retreat 2014, we will again by recording Dharma talks and perhaps other material.

With so much gratitude to you all for allowing me to carry that microphone around. I know from my own experience being photographed or recorded can really be uncomfortable and get in the way of being present, and yet I hope you can see how useful it might be to have this archive now. Many thanks also to Candradasa and Amaragita for being such champions for the audio project and helping us create this new online space to gather in.

Click here to go to Soundcloud, where the first batch are stored.

NOTE: Click play / pause top left. Select the tracks you want to hear.

May these first Sonic Fruits enrich your lives - and help create positive ripples in the world.

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Full Village 2013 > what else is available?
We are a full village now for 2013! Bookings Closed.

Infact we seem to book out every year, just by word of mouth, and have had to start limiting numbers. Please book early next year to make sure you can come.

Part of creating this online space is to help us germinate other family friendly events within the Triratna movement. Anyone that has any energy at all to help make that happen, can find a way to get involved via these links.

Children at the Centre of the Mandala is normal for many. Increasingly we see it happening throughout the (Buddhist) world. It's clearly a growing space for practice! One day soon we might have an entry point for Families / Parents + Children / Young People on The Buddhist Centre.com and other Centre websites.

Currently, we are aware of the following:

- Buddhafield North Open Retreat 25-30 August. Contact them direct for this year or next.

- Buddhafield East has previously done a child friendly, and might again. Contact them to stay informed.

- Brighton Buddhist Centre Family Camps - get in touch (very limited spaces at the Rivendell Family Retreat but still put your name down as things do change!).

- Brighton Buddhist Centre - Baby + toddler group germinating. Contact Libby Davy via libby@egghouseart.com if you want to get involved.

- Buddhafield Sussex Family Friendly - camping group is forming soon. Drop Dharmakara Phibes an email dhdharmakara@googlemail.com. Happy to hear from people that want to help make it happen too!

- Buddhafield Wales Family Camp in development. Contact Sue Maw to find out more. Sue has a wealth of experience in working with children, young people and families, and has done a lot to help get our combined Family Friendly Village Retreat to happen.

- London Buddhist Centre - Parents' and Children's Retreat. 8 Oct -1 Nov. For regulars, Mitras and those who have asked for ordination. Their Parents + Children's entry point is here. The LBC also has meditation with creche + an after school club for young people aged 11 – 16 years old! Srivati Skelton got a request from some boys and responded to the call.

Mindfulness for Children (+ School Tours) - via London Buddhist Centre and further afield with Srivati Skelton at http://www.bodhitree.org.uk/. Most Triratna centres (including Brighton) offer schools visits. See also the .b Project.

Young People in Triratna - loads available on The Buddhist Centre here by searching for "Young People". Popular international facebook group with over 500 members here.

Also... Books, eg. Sara Burns / Karunagita's A Path for Parents and many more (we shall put a list together).

Let Libby know if you want to add your project, event, book or other resource to this list.

Better still, join our group here on The Buddhist Centre and add your own information to share! Then let others know they are welcome to join. We also have a group on Facebook where lots of people keep in touch.
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Entering the Sangha - Sangharakshita
See track 5 especially.

Sangharakshita talks with humour and wisdom about feeling free; the hot tubs of Buddhafield; a place where children can be safe and free outdoors.

Reposted from FBA

"In 'Entering the Sangha', Sangharakshita goes to Buddhafield! A first for him, and a first for the fabulous Buddhafield Festival that takes place each year at the height of the English summer. This talk was given in a tent in Devon - and the sounds of this great Dharma celebration are everywhere around as Sangharakshita marks his entry to the 'Dharma Parlour' with a rolling set of thoughts and reminiscences and encouragements to practice. We move from India at the time of the peaceful revolution of 'untouchable' caste Hindus, to the famed hot-tubs of the festival itself. And we are introduced to the first 'three fetters' from the Buddha's teaching, the breaking of which will set us free. This is classic Sangharakshita - plenty to challenge and plenty to talk about around the fire afterwards.

With an excellent and thoughtful introduction by Kamalashila.

Talk given at the Buddhafield Festival, Devon 2007

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"This talk from Amaragita takes a look at Buddhist practice in the light of parenting, and was given at the Buddhafield Festival in 2006. Look out for some lovely singing thoughout!" Reposted from FBA.
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"This is another great talk from the 'Dharma Warriors' series given at the Buddhafield Festival. Karunagita is the author of 'Growing as a Parent - What Buddhism Has to Offer', and here she presents some of that material to an audience of summer loving practitioners under the blue skies of Devon.

Settle back and enjoy the sound of drums, kids' voices, and Karunagita's perspectives on the challenges and opportunities of raising a child as part of your practice of the Dharma.

She encourages us to see and accept the gifts of love, letting go and awareness (of our limitations and of our mortality) that are inherent in the life of any parent - and we catch a hint of the growth and wisdom that are possible for the heart as it opens to meet its experience in the most fundamental relationship of all.

Talk given at the Buddhafield Festival, Devon 2006"

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How do we lead rich and meaningful spiritual lives in the context of parenting? In this short video, Sara Burns (Karunagita) talks about the opportunities and challenges of being a parent from a Buddhist perspective.

Sara will be at the Buddhafields Family Friendly Retreat again this year. She will be giving a talk on parenting and sharing her most recent experiences as the parent of two older teenagers, reflecting back on the road she has travelled this far.

See an earlier, more in-depth talk in 2006 by Karunagita at the Buddhafields Festival, when her children were much younger here.
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"A really great conversation with Amaragita, one of the pioneers of Buddhafield retreats that are family friendly, a radical re-imagining of community retreat that has been one of Buddhafield’s most successful projects for 14 years.

How do you maintain a deep practice of the Dharma when you have a family? How can householders bring the Buddha’s teachings to bear on their lives and also feed their own experience into the wider sangha?

A fascinating look at aspects of community practice, including single sex activities, teenager contexts, working with noisy toddlers, developing ritual - and doing ‘chocolate meditation’!

Amaragita speaks movingly of “being with her two loves”, family and Dharma, rooted in a mythic context and in harmony with nature and the land."

- by Candradasa

This year’s retreat runs from the 19th - 26th of August. Book now!

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Family Friendly Village 2013
Bookings are open for this year's magical gathering on the land at Frog's mill from Monday 19 August—Monday 26 August 2013. All welcome, whether you have children or not!

Numbers are limited this year, so please book soon if you wish to be there.

If you have never been before, you might like to listen to Amaragita's talk here.

There will be a wide range of interviews from new comers, kids, teens, regulars etc... coming soon here...

More information and booking links here.

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