Triratna Europe
Triratna Europe
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Berlin Order Weekend Retreat

Last weekend a dozen Order Members from Berlin enjoyed a retreat in Strodehne an der Havel exploring what we understand is our mission.

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Dear All, 

we will have our second 'International online GfR retreat for Women+'  soon. It is aimed at GfR mitras from our Area. The format for the event will be two weekends:

  • 11th  till 13th of March 2022 and 
  • 6th till 08th of May 2022.

The weekends go together and form the basis for the theme of this years retreat: 'The myth of the Order'. There is a team of experienced Dharmacharinis with Mokshini and Prasadavati as Preceptors. 

Some of the talks on the theme will be in German, some in Englisch, but everything will be simultaneously translated into the other language. 

The event will be on dana basis and can be booked through:

Please pass on the information to your GfR Mitras. The event will be a good opportunity for the women from or Area to form connections with each other. 

Much love, 


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Convención Europea de la Orden Triratna Berlín

Estimados Miembros de la Orden,

Os comunicamos que ya es posible efectuar las reservas para la Convención de Europa Continental 2022. Adjunto está el cartel con algunos detalles y el tema a tratar y a continuación se encuentra el enlace para efectuar la reserva, que contiene también otra información. (ten en cuenta que hay pocas plazas y se va agotar pronto por la demanda)

La convención comenzará a las 16:00 del lunes 11 de julio y terminará sobre las 12:00 horas del sábado 16 de julio. Estamos organizando un bus que recoja a los asistentes del Centro Budista de Berlín el lunes a las 14:00 horas y los lleve de vuelta, el sábado dia 16, llegando a Berlín aproximadamente a las 15:00 horas, estos detalles son importantes a la hora de organizar el viaje.

La dirección del lugar de celebración es (la misma que en las dos últimas ocasiones): Schlüsshof, 17279 Lychen, Alemania

El coste de la Convención es de 380 € por persona si el alojamiento es en el mismo lugar de celebración y de 150 € si decides buscar por tu cuenta alojamiento en las inmediaciones.

Si puedes, cuando hagas la reserva considera hacer una donación generosa destinada al fondo de becas. El coste del lugar ha aumentado bastante y no todos los miembros de la Orden tienen la posibilidad de pagarlo, confiamos en vuestra generosidad, también si no pudieras pagar el precio estipulado para poder acceder a una beca ponte en contacto con el Centro Budista de Essen, que se encarga de gestionar las reservas.

Por ahora estamos planificando la convención para quiénes estén vacunados o hayan pasado por covid, ya que ésta parece que es la norma vigente, sin embargo como las regulaciones sobre Covid están sujetas a cambios, os informaremos si hubiera alguna novedad.

Tenemos muchas ganas de veros a todos en Berlín - Schlüsshof

Simharava, Dharmasara y Prasadacarin

PD: Gracias Dhivasini por la traducción

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Central European Order Forum

The annual Forum for Order Members in the Central European Region took place over the first weekend in December. Last year’s Forum was cancelled due to Covid, so all were pleased to be able to meet once again in (relatively) large numbers.

About 45 Order Members from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Malta met at Findhof, a conference centre 35 kilometres east of Cologne. As usual there was a programme of meditation and puja, as well as presentations and discussion groups, and on the last morning there was an oportunity to share what has been happening in the region with each other.


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On a working retreat in November, a new stupa was built at Akashavana retreat centre, Spain, containing the ashes of Dhardo Rinpoche, one of Sangharakshita’s main teachers.

“Maitreyi led the practice and ritual side, which perfectly held all the hard work within a sense of the sacred and timeless. Dhardo’s ashes had been sitting on the shrine in the community for seven or eight years waiting for the right moment.” - Mumukshu, Akashavana community⠀

Read more about: Stone Stupa Built at Akashavana Retreat Centre, Spain >>>

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Next 23rd of October 2021 will be the official opening of Valencia Buddhist Center in Spain by its president Parami and Chairman Silamani.

You may have heard that the Valencia Buddhist Centre has been without a home since May 2020 However, after much uncertainty in this turbulent world of ours we have some optimistic news. We've found a New Home!

Thanks to a loan from The Windhorse Trust and what we have raised so far we have enough for the purchase and all the legal expenses.  The Valencia Sangha will have a permanent home- a new Buddhist Centre.

Many people have helped make this center a reality, people from both the local Sangha and the international Sangha of Triratna.

The place we have found is spacious, has natural light and is in a lively, young neighbourhood - but it needs work. We'll post some photos as soon as we can and hopefully will be arranging further fundraising events.

We especially want to thank the Windhorse Trust, all the Buddhist centers that have contributed their support as well as all the economic, voluntary and altruistic work of the Sangha of Valencia and Spain.

To celebrate this day we want to invite you to participate in this celebration. And we propose meditation, talk and a ritual of blessing the centre by Parami, president of the Valencia Buddhist Center and member of the College of Preceptors, who currently resides in Glasgow, Scotland.

More info, video and photos of the event at

Más información, video y fotos:

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