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Official opening of Valencia Buddhist Centre in Spain

Next 23rd of October 2021 will be the official opening of Valencia Buddhist Center in Spain by its president Parami and Chairman Silamani.

You may have heard that the Valencia Buddhist Centre has been without a home since May 2020 However, after much uncertainty in this turbulent world of ours we have some optimistic news. We've found a New Home!

Thanks to a loan from The Windhorse Trust and what we have raised so far we have enough for the purchase and all the legal expenses.  The Valencia Sangha will have a permanent home- a new Buddhist Centre.

Many people have helped make this center a reality, people from both the local Sangha and the international Sangha of Triratna.

The place we have found is spacious, has natural light and is in a lively, young neighbourhood - but it needs work. We'll post some photos as soon as we can and hopefully will be arranging further fundraising events.

We especially want to thank the Windhorse Trust, all the Buddhist centers that have contributed their support as well as all the economic, voluntary and altruistic work of the Sangha of Valencia and Spain.

To celebrate this day we want to invite you to participate in this celebration. And we propose meditation, talk and a ritual of blessing the centre by Parami, president of the Valencia Buddhist Center and member of the College of Preceptors, who currently resides in Glasgow, Scotland.

More info, video and photos of the event at

Más información, video y fotos: