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Triratna Child Protection UK - for all Order members and mitras

This is an updated version of this important document.

In brief:
All UK mitras and members of the Triratna Buddhist Order working with schools and other young people under 18 should either make sure they are DBS (security) checked by the Triratna Buddhist Centre they represent, or by their nearest Triratna Buddhist Centre, or make sure the school knows they are not DBS checked and that they require never to be left alone with a pupil or pupils.

The document below tells you how to do this, and more. Checked by a specialist lawyer, it provides all the help you need to meet your ethical and legal obligations.

This document applies to all UK Triratna charities and to any individual UK Order member or mitra working with children, occasionally or regularly, independently or on behalf of a Triratna Centre or other charity.
Munisha, Liaison and Communications Officer, Triratna Development Team