The Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO )is hosting a gathering in London on November 5th, details below and on the attached poster. The main emphasis of the gathering is to discuss the theme, "Buddhism in action: what are we doing?", but there will be a short AGM, too.
You and members of all Triratna Sangha are warmly invited to come along, and please spread the word to anyone you know who might be interested. These gatherings are a unique opportunity to meet in a cross-traditional forum within the Buddhist world.
If you are able to print out and display the poster at your local Buddhist Centre of Group that would be much appreciated.
You are warmly invited to the next NBO gathering: “Buddhism in Action: what are we doing?”
Buddhists from a variety of UK traditions will meet to explore the social role of Buddhism in the UK. Why is it important for Buddhists to come together? How important is friendship? How can Buddhists act together for the good of society?
There will be talks, refreshments and time for discussion. This event is FREE and everyone is welcome. The gathering will include a very short AGM.
Saturday 5th November 2016 1.30pm–4.30pm SGI-UK South London Centre
Carlton Hall, 1 Bernays Grove, London SW9 8DF
The NBO has been working since 1993 to promote fellowship and dialogue between UK Buddhists of all traditions and schools and to create opportunities for co-operation.