Today we've been looking at the phenomenon of mindfulness in UK society, now to be found in settings including prisons, schools and healthcare. What should be the response of Triratna Buddhist Centres; the relationship between what's being taught in secular society and what we teach in Triratna?
We began with a presentation from Vishvapani who has been working with the UK Parliament at Westminster. He's been editing the All Party Parliamentary Group's report, 'Mindful Nation', to be published on 20th October this year. Saddhanandi reported on the Mindfulness Colloqium of Triratna meditation teachers held at Adhisthana last year.
In the afternoon a focus group also included Vidyamala, founder of Breathworks. Later we heard presentations from Chairs of three Triratna Centres with varying degrees of involvement in mindfulness teaching (as distinct from their explicitly Buddhist activities).
When we weren't working I cut Mokshini's hair and Amogharatna could be heard playing Bach on the piano. In the evening, the swallows swooped and the sun shone on the wheat- and hayfields, newly harvested. A few tents and camper vans arrived: people coming to help with the set-up for Bhante's 90th birthday weekend.