We hope you have enjoyed Sailing the Worldly Winds with us this week! Whether you have had the time and space to engage in a full retreat, or you have just dipped in and appreciated a few lines of Dharma here and there, we hope the material has been inspiring and helpful while you are spending more time at home.
One of the highlights of the week was the Live Q & A with Vajragupta, where around 90 of us gathered to ask Vajragupta questions and he shared some of his recent thinking around the material. Vajragupta ended with a moving story about Sangha and how having friends and community with similar values can help people remember what’s important - we hope that this home retreat has helped you to stay in touch with what matters most to you, and also to feel connected as part of the wider Sangha.
We hope you also enjoyed the dedicated home retreat website, which shared the material in a beautiful and accessible (and mobile-friendly!) format. It's been inspiring to see so many people tune in and, hopefully, be inspired. The retreat material will stay online, so you can return to it and use it whenever you may find it helpful.
Vajragupta’s reflections throughout the week were thoughtful and practical, and we hope you also benefited from some of our more personal reflections in the blog posts our team shared. The teaching of the Worldly Winds seems so urgently relevant to our conditions right here and now, in the midst of the global Coronavirus crisis.
Our deep thanks again to Vajragupta for his generosity in providing the resources for this course. And to Maitridevi, Vidyamala, Subhuti, Ratnavyuha, and Yashosagar for theirs.
Thanks also to Windhorse Publications for making Vajragupta’s ebook on Sailing the Worldly Winds free for the week.
Post retreat resources
- Visit the Home Retreat space, where the material from the retreat will stay online to return to for inspiration and ideas
- See all the posts about Sailing the Worldly Winds here
- Find the ebook of Vajragupta’s “Sailing the Worldly Winds” here
- Find Vajragupta’s talk on Buddhism and Inequality here
- If you wish to download the complete audio from the week’s retreat on “Sailing the Worldly Winds” you can do that here
What Next?
Get the Dharma toolkit newsletter with community resources to get you through the shutdown.
Join us for daily online meditations twice a day, Monday to Friday.
Look out for more Home Retreats on our Dharma toolkit page.
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