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Week 1 of trying to live without buying single-use plastic ....

Lessons learned so far: 

1. Aiming to be vegan AND avoid single-use plastic at the same time is going to be super-challenging: it is really not obvious where to get lentils, beans, vegan quorn, quinoa or nuts & seeds that isn't sold in plastic wrapping. So I'm going to give myself some slack there ..... 

2. Travel food: there was very little to buy at the food shops at Paddington station that wasn't wrapped in plastic - rows and rows of plastic tubs each with one portion of appetising  salads and fruits. The only thing available really was loose apples and bananas. However, I realised that the baguettes at the 'Upper Crust' stall outside were entirely plastic-free!! Nothing vegan amongst their food though ...  :( 

3. Supermarkets: It is really sobering to look through the foods for sale and see how there is hardly anything at all that doesn't include some single-use wrapping material. I did manage to fill a basket at Tesco's and avoid any single-use plastic except the seal on the houmous lid: the main realisation was the need to bring my own containers/clean cotton bags  - for the loose bread rolls, mushroom, tomatoes and other veg. Plastic-free houmous - well, I could have a go at making my own?!

4. Local farmers market: as it is over the other side of town I've never really included this in my weekly routine, but yes - success!! Bread, fruit and veg and if I wanted to, cheese; all without plastic wrapping and of course many food miles. I even managed to buy salad leaves in a paper bag :)  - on the down side, it is all a bit pricey .... 

Going to the local market also highlights what vegetables are actually in season and local ... so, no broccoli to be had at this time of the year; and obviously no lemons, avocados and the like  :(  

The other obvious choice is of course the local greengrocers rather than buying veg at the supermarket

5. Make/Grow my own: Yoghurt and salad leaves are two of the items that are tricky to purchase plastic free - mmm, is it really out of the question that I grow my own salad, and make my own yoghurt?! I've done that in the past, not that hard, I've just lost the habit .... 

6. Lastly, I have just come across this rather fabulous website - www.thezerowaster.com - with a page dedicated to Packaging-Free Shops and Zero Waste Projects UK - sadly not much to be found in Exeter .....