Here's some all the videos from the 2013 Buddhafield Festival’s Dharma Parlour: a rich and multi-facetted feast of Dharma exploring the overall Festival theme of ‘Fire in the Heart’. You'll find more details on the Dharma Parlour group elsewhere on this site; please '+Follow' it for regular updates.
Advayasiddhi: A workshop-style Introduction to Buddhism.
Dhivan: The Buddha Broke my Heart… The Buddha taught love as freedom of heart. But what if we get burned in love’s fire? A talk on love, betrayal and broken-heartedness.
Kulamitra: Warm our Hearts - Let the Rain Come In! To develop loving kindness takes sustained effort at frequent intervals. Paradoxically this means spontaneous opening to all around us.
Lokabandhu: 10 Ways to Misunderstand Buddhism. No. 6: “It’s all about detachment”. A quirkily-titled talk arguing that Buddhists should think of ‘advances’ as well as ‘retreats’ - engaging with the world to change it for the better.
Maitridevi: The Tender Gravity of Kindness. How to find depth in a superficial world - a talk about love and longing and the way that they pull us deeper into life.
Shantigarbha: The Empathic Buddha. An exploration of how the Buddha embodied empathy and made it the basis of his compassion.
Other videos from the Festival are also online - a talk by Amaranatho, a wandering Buddhist monk; by Christopher Titmuss, a regular speaker at the Festival; and - moving away from Dharma content - some great raps by Trevor the Noisy Parrot; the climax of some fabulous Ecstatic Dance by Jewels Wingfield, and a series of short interviews in various languages with volunteers from VAP, the international Volunteer Action for Peace programme.
The 2014 Buddhafield programme is nearly ready - watch this space for details!