Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre
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Connections between the Brahma Viharas and Jinas
We can restore our innate mirror-like wisdom, transform our hatred, by developing Love-Metta. In this way we become like the blue Buddha Akshobhya.

We can restore our innate all-distinguishing wisdom, transform our greed and attachment, by developing Compassion-Karuna. In this way we become like the red Buddha Amitabha.

We can restore our innate all-performing wisdom, transform our envy and jealousy, by developing Sympathetic Joy-Mudita. In this way we become like the green Buddha Amoghasiddhi.

We can restore our innate wisdom of equality, transform our arrogance and pride, by developing Equanimity-Upekkha. In this way we become like the yellow Buddha Ratnasambhava.