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The year ahead at Windhorse Publications

In this blog post, we’re looking ahead to our plans for the next twelve months. We hope the books we publish will help to sustain your practice over the coming year.


Next month we’ll be publishing a biography of Sangharakshita by Nagabodhi: Sangharakshita: The Boy, the Monk, the Man. Sangharakshita was an audacious reformer, and for some a deeply controversial figure. In an absorbing narrative, Nagabodhi takes us on a journey through the twists and turns of Sangharakshita’s life; the experiences, insights, and reflections that nurtured his approach as a teacher; and the legacy he left behind.

If you’d like to invite Nagabodhi to lead a book launch event, please contact Walter Monticelli at

If you’ve not yet sponsored Sangharakshita: The Boy, the Monk, the Man, there’s still time to do so.

Sponsor Sangharakshita: The Boy, the Monk, the Man

April or May

Our first audiobook will be going on sale in April or May. It’s Satyadasa’s unputdownable memoir, The Sound of One Hand, which will be read by the author.

For Satyadasa the Buddhist path has been fulfilling and often joyous, but also full of doubts and obstacles. What does it mean to be a Buddhist in the West in the twenty-first century? And is being born with one hand a curse – or a blessing?

The Sound of One Hand is already available as a paperback and an eBook.

Buy the paperback (UK & Europe)

Pre-order the paperback (US & Canada)

Buy the eBook (worldwide)


In July we’ll be publishing a new edition of Kulananda’s Teachers of Enlightenment, which is a guide to the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order. This new edition reflects changes that have been made to the refuge tree since the book was first published, most notably the inclusion of Dr Ambedkar and Anagarika Dharmapala. It features additional text from Vajratara and updated images from Āloka. 


The next three volumes in Sangharakshita’s Complete Works are due in August.

Volume 8:  Beating the Dharma Drum: India Writings II

This volume includes Sangharakshita’s biography of Anagarika Dharmapala, the founder of the Maha Bodhi Society; articles and editorials that Sangharakshita wrote for the Maha Bodhi journal; and a collection of book reviews written over a period of almost fifty years.

Volume 15: Pāli Canon Teachings and Translations

This volume includes Sangharakshita’s translations of the Dhammapada and other Pāli suttas, and several commentaries on Pāli texts: Living with Awareness, on the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta; Living with Kindness, on the Karaṇīya Mettā Sutta; Auspicious Signs, on the Maṅgala Sutta; and Salutation to the Three Jewels, on the Tiratana Vandanā.

Volume 17: Wisdom Teachings of the Mahāyāna

This volume includes The Way to Wisdom, based on an essay by Dr Edward Conze that explores the five spiritual faculties; Living Ethically and Living Wisely, which come from a seminar on Nāgārjuna’s Precious Garland; and Know Your Mind, in which Sangharakshita explores a Tibetan Abhidharma text that moves from a study of mind to the scrutiny of positive mental states and how to develop them.


In September we’ll be publishing Starting on the Buddhist Path by new author, Sagaraghosa. Sagaraghosa has taught introductory courses in meditation and Buddhism at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre for fourteen years. Starting on the Buddhist Path is the book she wishes she’d had when she first became interested in Buddhism.


The Subtle Art of Caring is due out in November. In this beautifully illustrated book, poet, activist, and Buddhist teacher River Wolton provides exercises, meditations, and reflections based on the Buddha’s teaching of the Brahma Vihārās (‘divine abodes’). She explores how to use these teachings to craft a life in which compassion and justice for self and other are mutually sustaining.  

Free eBook for new subscribers to our newsletter

We’re delighted to announce that we’re now giving away a beautifully produced eBook (in PDF format) to all new subscribers to the Windhorse Publications newsletter. It’s called Your Mind, Your Life and it features chapter-length excerpts from fifteen of our most accessible books for newcomers.

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