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Working with Doubt and Limiting Habits

Things are buzzing at the publishing house. We're in the final stretch, putting the finishing touches on covers, endorsements, proofreading, printing, and marketing for two exciting books set to hit shelves in April and May. Plus, we're gearing up to make some of our older titles available through print-on-demand, ensuring they're always within reach. Watch this space for more updates in the weeks to come.

And amidst all this hustle and bustle, we're delighted to mark the 50th anniversary of Windhorse Publications this year. I (Dhammamegha) have been thinking a lot about our job and vocation – a nice old fashioned word – as publishers of Dharma books.

For reflection this morning I re-read a section on doubt (pages 150-151) by Venerable Dhammananda in Cindy Rasicot’s forthcoming book This Fresh Existence.

Let me share a snippet with you:

"The teaching of the Buddha is so simple, much less complicated than people think. The Buddha talked about revealing the truth… His discovery was that the self we have been clinging to for so many lifetimes – that we cling to as if it were real – is only a shadow. What we have been doing is running after this shadow. We need to stop running for a minute and realise that this shadow is elusive. This truth is so profound and so simple that doubting your ability is also an illusion.

When we pass through all five obstacles in meditation, including doubt, and reach a state of calm and joy, that too is an illusion. That calm joy is not yours, it’s not mine, it’s not me. It’s such a wonderful feeling when we realise that!"

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Reading this little section a few times allowed for a kind of tension about my busy day to drop away. It put me back in touch with the freedom, ease and confidence that comes with that simple and happy truth.  

You'll get to delve deeper into Venerable Dhammananda’s life and teachings when This Fresh Existence is published early next month. I was very pleased when one of my childhood heroes, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, lent her support by reading and endorsing the book. You can see what she and others have written about it by following the link above.