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What Is Coming in 2018

We hope you had a good start to the new year. We’d like to share some of the highlights coming up for Windhorse Publications in 2018.

The Complete Works of Sangharakashita

Four new volumes of the Complete Works of Sangharakshita are coming in March, in time for celebrations around the 50th anniversary of the Triratna Order, which was founded by Sangharakshita. These are:

A Survey of Buddhism/The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path (Volume 1) – This volume includes A Survey of Buddhism and The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path: Vision and Transformation. These two foundational texts have inspired readers for decades. 

Milarepa and the Art of Discipleship I and II (Volumes 18 and 19)  – These volumes explore discipleship through the encounters of the famous Tibetan yogi Milarepa with those he met and taught after his own Enlightenment, including Rechungpa; they are mostly made up of previously unpublished commentaries by Sangharakshita on The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa.

Facing Mount Kanchenjunga (Volume 21) – This volume includes Facing Mount Kanchenjunga and Dear Dinoo. These autobiographical texts span Sangharakshita’s life in the period 1950-1974, beginning with his arrival in Kalimpong as a twenty-four-year-old novice monk.

Four New Books

Hot on the heels of A Meditator’s Life of the Buddha by Anālayo, which just came out at the end of 2017, Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature by Vajragupta is coming out at the end of February. It has been hailed by Sara Maitland, author of Gossip from the Forest, as “a seriously beautiful book – beautiful places and beautiful writing”.

Maitridevi, Chair of Taraloka Retreat Centre, writes, “This book evokes the quality of those times – the way in which the heart begins to ground itself into the spirit of a place, remembering its own wildness.”

Sponsors will receive the paperback for Wild Awake one month early, by end of January – sponsor it to help us publish it and take advantage of this offer.

Following Wild Awake, we look forward to the publication, later in 2018, of a new edition of Eight Step Recovery by Vimalasara (Valerie Mason-John) and Paramabandhu; Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation: A Practice Guide by Anālayo; I’ll Meet You There by Shantigarbha; and The Dark Side of the Mirror by David Brazier.

Keep up to date with our news on our email mailing list, the news page on our website, or social media.

And as always, please drop us a line at or ring us at the office if you’d like to get in touch.