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This week's free eBook and this month's discounted paperbacks

This week we’re giving away the eBook edition of The Yogi’s Joy by Sangharakshita. 

We’re offering The Yogi’s Joy to support the online summer retreat ‘The Fire of Joy’. If you find this book helpful, you could also read the text that came from the rest of Sangharakshita’s Milarepa seminars, published across two volumes of his Complete Works under the title Milarepa and the Art of Discipleship. You can find the first volume here and the second volume here. We’ve created a discount code fireofjoy that you can use at checkout to get a 10% discount on paperback, hardback or eBook of either or both volumes. It is valid for one purchase per user and expires on the 31st of August. 

Here are the paperbacks we're offering at a 25% discount during August:

A Path for Parents: What Buddhism Can Offer by Sara Burns (Karunagita) has been reduced from £11.99 to £8.99. Karunagita is part of a team offering online classes for parents every second Sunday

Thicker than Blood: Friendship on the Buddhist Path by Maitreyabandhu is a personal reflection on friendship as a path of practice. We’re offering it for £7.50 this month. 

The next sale book is a colouring book for times when you could use some mindfulness support. The drawings are by Āloka, who has been creating an aesthetic of the transcendent and inspiring that takes traditional images and re-imagines them into contemporary drawings and paintings that serve a practice community. The Windhorse Colouring Book is on sale for £7.50 this month. 

Sangharakshita put the Sangha at the centre of his vision of a contemporary and intensive Dharma path. He envisaged intensive situations for relationship and practice in friendship, ordination, and collective living and working situations. He called this the practice of spiritual community. The Triratna Story: Behind the Scenes of a New Buddhist Movement by Vajragupta gives an account of the ups and downs of that vision and its embodiment. It is available during August for £7.50.