We continue to have success with our sponsorship campaigns in 2015 and 2016 – thank you to all who have sponsored a book. Here are two new books, both due to be published in late 2016. Please consider sponsoring one or both.
Mindful Emotion: a short course in kindness – by Dr Paramabandhu Groves and Dr Jed Shamel. Drawing on their clinical experience as well as their Buddhist practice, the authors have developed an eight-week practical course in cultivating kindness, intended to complement other mindfulness-based approaches. Sponsor
Mindfully Facing Disease and Death: compassionate advice from early Buddhist texts – by Anālayo. In this wonderfully accessible and compassionate book, Bhikkhu Anālayo illuminates classic Buddhist teachings and offers practical counsel for facing death with clarity and kindness. Sponsor
‘This book is a practice manual both for individuals facing sickness and death and for those motivated to assist others in those circumstances.’ from the Foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn
'An invaluable and extraordinary resource on the profound teachings by the Buddha on dying, death, and grieving.' – Roshi Joan Halifax, Abbot of the Upaya Zen Center
Our fundraising target for each book is £7,000. With your help, we can publish these insightful new books and encourage the spread of Buddhist teachings in the world.
- Giving £30 or more to an individual book means you will receive the print book and the eBook download on publication
- If you give more than £30 then we can count the extra amount as a donation and can Gift Aid it if you tick the gift declaration overleaf.
- Giving £100 or more to an individual book means that we can Gift Aid all of your sponsorship
- You can sponsor one book or both
- Donate online by going to windhorsepublications.com/sponsor_a_book or
- Fill in this form, and return to us by post.
With all best wishes.