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New Volumes of Complete Works of Sangharakshita Released

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to announce the release of four new volumes of the The Complete Works of Sangharakshita. A way to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Order is to celebrate writings and teachings of the founder of the movement. The Complete Works include all previously published work by Sangharakshita, as well as talks, seminars and writings published for the first time.

Why subscribe? Dhivan and Satyalila share their thoughts in a short video.

We hope our readers enjoy the newest four volumes:

A Survey of Buddhism/The Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path (Volume 1) Designed to be the very first volume in the set, this volume brings the influential A Survey of Buddhism back in print. It includes the book The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path, and a newly written Foreword by Subhuti.

Milarepa and the Art of Discipleship I and II (Volumes 18 and 19) These two volumes contain quite a lot of previously unpublished commentary by Sangharakshita on Milarepa’s songs, including ‘The Shepherd’s Search for Mind’ and stories tracing the relationship between Milarepa and his disciple Rechungpa. Vidyadevi has written insightful Forewords and the book The Yogi’s Joy is republished in volume 18.

Facing Mount Kanchenjunga (Volume 21) Two books are included in this volume: Facing Mount Kanchenjunga and Dear Dinoo. As Kalyanaprabha explains in the Foreword, Sangharakshita finds a ‘new gate’ after years of going forth in India. ‘… it opens onto a new path – that of responding to the needs of others.’

Volumes are available for purchase individually or as a complete set. For all volumes published, consider taking out a subscription to The Complete Works in eBook, paperback and/or hardback formats. Each subscription helps support the project.