We’ve got three new offerings for you this week.
A new reprint
For quite some time one of Triratna’s core texts, Sangharakshita’s The Ten Pillars of Buddhism, has been out of print and has only been available as an eBook. We’re pleased to let you know that it’s now back in print.
In The Ten Pillars of Buddhism Sangharakshita explores the ethical foundation of Buddhist practice through the ten precepts that members of the Triratna Buddhist Order take on at ordination. It provides a fascinating insight for anyone interested in leading an ethical life and is one of the key texts studied during training for ordination.
Order your copy of The Ten Pillars of Buddhism.
November’s sale
Here in the UK autumn is well and truly underway, and winter is not far off. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, there’s a natural turning inwards. The books we’ve chosen for November’s monthly sale all support this move towards introspection.
The titles of the first four books are self-explanatory: The Art of Reflection by Ratnaguna, Meaning in Life by Sarvananda, Buddhism: Tools for Living Your Life by Vajragupta and Eight Step Recovery: Using the Buddha’s Teachings to Overcome Addiction by Valerie Mason-John (Vimalasara) and Dr Paramabandhu Groves. The title of the next book needs some explanation. David Brazier’s The Dark Side of the Mirror: Forgetting the Self in Dōgen’s Genjō Kōan is a ground-breaking commentary on Genjō Kōan, the most important chapter in Zen master Dōgen’s principal major work, the Shōbōgenzō. Having turned inwards, our final two book choices will help you turn outwards again by bringing more awareness to your relationships with nature and with other people. They’re Wild Awake by Vajragupta and I’ll Meet You There by Shantigarbha.
See links to all the books in our November sale.
Another free eBook
To celebrate International Sangha Day 2020 An Online Festival of Light, from now until the end of November, we’re giving away the eBook edition of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita Volume 2: The Three Jewels I, normally priced at £17.99.
One of Sangharakshita’s outstanding contributions to Buddhism was to distil what is most fundamental. You are a Buddhist because – and only because – you go for refuge to the three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The nine texts in this volume, composed over a period of more than thirty years, show Sangharakshita’s unfolding insight into the meaning, significance and centrality of going for refuge.
Download your free copy of The Three Jewels I.
The Three Jewels I is part of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita. Find out more about subscribing to the whole collection or buying individual volumes.
Don’t forget we’re also offering Sangharakshita’s seminal A Survey of Buddhism as a free eBook at the moment. It will remain free until the 9th of November.