A lot of life is spent online these days. It is the medium for news, entertainment, work, debate and perspective, music, keeping up with friends, dating, and, for some, pornography.
In our latest podcast episode, Dhammamegha speaks with new author Prajnaketu about his upcoming book Cyberloka: A Buddhist guide to digital life. Prajnaketu wants to open up ways of thinking and talking about our digital lives that draw on the teachings of the Buddha.
We talk about hyper-availability and how to go mindfully into our digital lives, leaving space for depth. We discuss super-stimulation and in particular the use of porn and other potentially addictive sources of pleasure online. And we hear about how to have better conversations online, including how to disagree more skilfully.
Listen on the Windhorse Publications website, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.
Cyberloka is due to be published in a couple of weeks, but you can pre-order your copy now.
Pre-order ‘Cyberloka’ (UK & Europe)
Pre-order ‘Cyberloka’ (US & Canada)
And finally, an old favourite that’s been out of stock for a while – Sangharakshita’s translation of the Dhammapada – is now back in stock.