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New podcast episode

We’re delighted to announce the release of Episode 2 of the Windhorse Publications Podcast. Dhammamegha and Bhikkhu Anālayo continue their conversation, turning to the crucial question of the place of mindfulness of others in meditation, the importance of sanghaor community, and the relationship between what happens on the cushion and our ways of being in the world. 

Getting closer to some of our collective challenges, Bhikkhu Anālayo talks about climate change and the Six Element Practice. We then move onto Bhikkhu Anālayo’s concerns about the dangers of going too far in deconstructing truth and morality in current culture, particularly in the USA, as well as the overemphasis on subjectivity. 

You can listen to the podcast on our website, or on Apple, Google or Spotify.


June is Buddhist Action Month, affectionately known as BAM! It’s an annual event organised by the Network of Buddhist Organisations in association with the European Buddhist Union.

BAM! has a different theme each year, and this year’s is Compassion and Connections in Times of Crisis. Juliet Hackney, this year’s BAM coordinator, writes:

This year has brought yet more crises to challenge us: the war in Ukraine, the cost of living, the omicron variant in the coronavirus pandemic, all on top of the background of the ever-worsening climate crisis.

How should we respond as Buddhists? In the Chan/Zen Buddhist tradition this exchange has been handed down: A monk once asked the ancient Chinese Zen master Yunmen, “What is the teaching of the whole lifetime of Buddha?” Yunmen replied, “An appropriate response.”

This sounds simple, but it can be difficult to know what an appropriate response is in these turbulent and complex times. Taking part in Buddhist Action Month is an opportunity to engage in action, with compassion and connection at its heart, to help ourselves and others through these times of crisis.

You can find out more from the BAM 2022 space on the website of the Network of Buddhist Organisations.

Suggested reading

Finally, we’d like to suggest three books you might be interested in reading. We’ve chosen them because they tie in with some of the themes from the podcast as well as the theme of this year’s Buddhist Action Month. 

The Burning House by Shantigarbha

Buy ‘The Burning House’ (UK & Europe)

Buy ‘The Burning House’ (US & Canada)

Saving the Earth by Akuppa

Buy ‘Saving the Earth’ (UK & Europe)

Buy ‘Saving the Earth’ (US & Canada)

The Buddha on Wall Street by Vaddhaka

Buy ‘The Buddha on Wall Street’ (UK & Europe)

Buy ‘The Buddha on Wall Street’ (US & Canada)