Happy New Year.
We wanted to give you a heads-up on the new books we are publishing in 2019.
The Complete Works
Eight volumes of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita have already been published, and we look forward to the launch of four new volumes in April. The existing 251 subscribers to The Complete Works will automatically receive the new volumes upon publication – you too can subscribe to join these individuals and Centres. Volumes are also available for individual purchase.
The four new volumes coming in April are:
Vol 2: The Three Jewels I The nine texts in this volume were composed over a period of more than thirty years, starting with The Three Jewels, first published in 1970.
Vol 4: The Bodhisattva Ideal This volume is an exploration of the Bodhisattva path, and includes: The Bodhisattva Ideal, The Endlessly Fascinating Cry and The Bodhisattva Principle
Vol 13: Eastern and Western Traditions This volume conveys how Sangharakshita approached the communication of Buddhism in modern, westernised culture. The five works include Creative Symbols of Tantric Buddhism, The Essence of Zen and From Genesis to The Diamond Sutra
Vol 22: In the Sign of the Golden Wheel In this volume, Sangharakshita explores his time in the Indian hill station Kalimpong, and reflects on teachers who greatly influenced him. This volume includes In the Sign of the Golden Wheel and Precious Teachers
Subscribe to The Complete Works or follow the links above for more information and/or to pre-order them individually.
Other New Books in 2019
Our production team, led by Michelle, has also been hard at work on four other meaningful new books for 2019, all focusing on inner reflection and transformation.
Meet our upcoming books:
The Dark Side of the Mirror: Forgetting the Self in Dogen’s Genjo Koan by David Brazier (March, 2019) Sponsor this book
Free Time! From Clock-Watching to Free-Flowing, a Buddhist Guide by Vajragupta (April, 2019) Sponsor this book
The Myth of Meditation: Restoring Imaginal Ground through Embodied Buddhist Practice by Paramananda (May, 2019) Sponsor this book
Mindfulness of Breathing: A Practice Guide and Translations by Analayo (September, 2019) Sponsor this book
If you feel these books are important to you and the world, please consider sponsoring them. Crowd-funding for new books really helps independent publishers and authors.
A sponsorship of £40 or more will get you the paperback immediately upon publication in 2019. Less than £40 will get you the eBook. We are setting the fundraising goal for each book at £5,000.
Thanks to existing sponsors, who have already shown their support.
We hope you all have a good start to the year.