We’re delighted to introduce Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way. We’ll be publishing this wonderful new book by Devamitra in February 2022.
In Entertaining Cancer, Devamitra chronicles his years of treatment for prostate cancer. He describes the fatigue, the heightened sense of being alive, and the discomforts and indignities of treatment. He also draws on the deep well of his Buddhist practice to work with his mind and meet fear, uncertainty and frailty with resolve. It is an entertaining read, full of humour, wit and fantastically funny dialogue.
It costs several thousand pounds to produce and market a new book so we would like to ask if you can help us to cover the costs of publishing Entertaining Cancer by sponsoring it.
Here’s how sponsorship works:
- Give £40 or more and you’ll receive both the paperback and the eBook immediately on publication.
- When you sponsor Entertaining Cancer, we’ll also send you a link to download a free PDF of extracts from the book.
Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way is a remarkable book – honest, lucid, unflinching, funny and radical in its willingness to confront the facts of life and death. Entertaining Cancer: The Buddhist Way is not just for those struggling with illness or the fear of death; anyone interested in how Buddhism can help us live with courage, wit and generosity will find answers in this book.
– Maitreyabandhu, author of Life with Full Attention and The Journey and the Guide
Devamitra writes of his experiences with a style unique to him: beautifully crafted, engaging, witty, poignant, reflective and always disarmingly honest. Devamitra faces his test as a Buddhist, but he wears his Buddhism lightly, even though it is Buddhism that guides him through it. For him Buddhism is simply the truth about life, not a set of dogmatic beliefs, and so his writing is relevant whether or not you are a Buddhist. I recommend this book very highly.
– Subhuti, author of Mind in Harmony