Windhorse Publications is thrilled to announce the release of It’s Not Out There: How to see differently and live an extraordinary, ordinary life by Danapriya. In this video, Helen from the Windhorse Publications team interviews Danapriya about the book.
Most of us constantly look outside ourselves for something: happiness, love, contentment. But this something is not out there. ‘It’ is within us. In It’s Not Out There, Buddhist teacher and mentor, Danapriya, helps you to look inside yourself in such a way that life becomes more vivid, joyful and extraordinary.
Although it’s informed by Buddhist teachings and Danapriya’s many years of Buddhist practice, It’s Not Out There is free of Buddhist terminology and is suitable for everyone – it’s not just for Buddhists or people with an interest in Buddhism. Danapriya is a warm, wise and encouraging guide and writes in simple, down-to-earth language. In each of the twenty-five short chapters he explores an area of life where we commonly experience difficulties and shows us how, by turning inwards and shifting our perspective, we can suffer less and begin to live our lives more fully.
‘Buy one for everyone you know who is serious about life and how to live it well.’ – Subhadramati, author of Not About Being Good
‘A starter-kit for making the most of your life.’ – Maitreyabandhu, author of Life with Full Attention and The Journey and the Guide
To celebrate the recent release of two new titles by Bhikkhu Anālayo, Introducing Mindfulness and Mindfulness in Early Buddhism, this month we’re offering 25% off the paperback editions of all his other books. Don’t forget that if you have a free sign-up account, you’ll get a further 10% off.
- Mindfulness of Breathing (Was £17.99; sale price £13.49)
- Satipaṭṭhāna Meditation: A Practice Guide (Was £14.99; sale price £11.24)
- A Meditator’s Life of the Buddha (Was £13.99; sale price £10.49)
- Mindfully Facing Disease and Death (Was £13.99; sale price £10.49)
- Compassion and Emptiness in Early Buddhist Meditation (Was £13.99; sale price £10.49)
- Perspectives on Satipaṭṭhāna (Was £15.99; sale price £11.99)
- Satipaṭṭhāna: The Direct Path to Realization (Was £17.99; sale price £13.49)
For links to all of Anālayo’s books, visit our Monthly Sale page.