Windhorse Evolution
Windhorse Evolution
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New View Residential seeks Property Manager
New View Residential is a Buddhist inspired residential letting and property management company based in Cambridge UK. Founded in 2010 the vision of the business is to raise money for Triratna projects and local charities, promote Buddhist values through ethical business practices and to provide Team Based Right Livelihood employment.

This is a key role in a new and expanding Buddhist business and offers opportunities for taking responsibility and could develop into a senior management position. This is a dynamic and demanding position that requires energy, enthusiasm and flexibility. The successful candidate will be highly motivated both in terms of their Buddhist practice and in their desire to see this project grow. Duties include:

- Accompanying applicants to view rental properties
- Meeting with landlords and tenants at our office and in the properties we manage
- Dealing with enquiries by telephone, email and in person
- Maintaining a database of landlord, tenant & property details
- Administration of property repairs and inspections

Skills and experience
Strong administrative & IT skills (MS Outlook, Word, Excel, Google Calendar)
Good communication skills and literacy
An ability to undertake detailed administrative work and maintain a broad awareness of changing daily needs
Full driving license
A desire to train in Property Management and obtain basic industry qualifications

Full Support Package Available including 6 weeks retreat/leave
Closing date: 22nd March 2014
This post carries a Genuine Occupational Requirement to have an understanding of and sympathy for Buddhism as practised in the Trirtna under the terms of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 as it is an all-Buddhist team at present.

If interested please contact -
Jayasiddhi 01223 868 570 or